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VOTE: Options for ARM calc.
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Topic: VOTE: Options for ARM calc. (Read 14547 times)
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King Graphmastur
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VOTE: Options for ARM calc.
August 07, 2010, 10:50:00 pm »
Please vote yes or no for each pair of options. Please do not vote yes and no for the same option. Discuss and suggest options bellow. This is for me to get a better idea for what people want on this calc. Please ignore the fact that it might not be acceptable on the ACT/SAT. (For example, the touchscreen) This is kinda what your dream calc would have.
Happy voting.
Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 05:48:32 pm by DJ Omnimaga
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #1 on:
August 07, 2010, 10:56:34 pm »
No option for a rechargeable(lithium?) battery pack?
King Graphmastur
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #2 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:00:19 pm »
That is the last two options. Basically, there would be an option that if you had the rechargeable batteries, it would be chargeable via usb. This would be changed via the menu. If you had regular batteries, then the calc wouldn't charge them.
[EDIT] Also, please vote on all options. Someone didn't vote about the touchscreen and the battery issue. This is to make sure no one is cheating the system and voting for both yes and no. The combination of Yes results+No results should add up to the number of voters.
Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 11:07:43 pm by graphmastur
DJ Omnimaga
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #3 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:08:37 pm »
Well, I voted for Micro SD card support. It would be a nice and compact way to store data and transfer it to the computer or another calculator. Some other calcs got SD card support, too. As for USB, it would be another good way to store stuff, if someone plugged in a USB jumpdrive, for example. However, I voted for the regular-sized USB port, so we don't need to buy mini to regular USB adapters like we have to buy to use USB8x on the 84+.
I voted no backlight, because I think it would eat way too much power. My bro had the GBA and the GBA SP and it's insane how much power the SP took just because it had a backlight. That said, if a backlight that is not very powerful was added and still looked clear enough in semi-dark areas, it could be fine, maybe, but we need to make sure people won't destroy their eyes either. So for now I voted no.
3.5mm link port because it's easier to fit headphones. That said, it's not the priority, but it's good to have in case. I assume some other kind of cables could be plugged in, right? Most stuff is 3.5 mm, anyway.
No touchscreen, so it can be allowed in most tests. Also I personally dislike using a touchscreen because I hate having to use the pen but at the same time, if using my fingers it eventually gets dirty.
AA batteries. Much cheaper than AAAs and I believe more powerful.
A recharging option would be welcome, assuming it won't make the calc too big.
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #4 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:09:54 pm »
Yes, I want a 2.5 and a 3.5 link port, one for linking, another for musics
Omnimagus of the Multi-Base.
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #5 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:13:25 pm »
Yes: Micro SD card support I would like regular SD actually
Yes: Backlight for the LCD - well, if we use a lithium battery, backlight is a bit much for AAs
Yes: mini-USB - OTG too. Host and slave in the same plug.
Yes: 3.5 mm link port - this + a cable for 3.5-2.5mm for ti compatibility
No: no touchscreen - No touchscreen for testing (ACT and SAT both forbid)
No: AA batteries - longer, cheaper, better
Yes: Built in charging option - For ARM, it's much better. You can get upwards of 12 hours on a good device
DJ Omnimaga
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #6 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:14:17 pm »
wouldn't it be possible to just have a 3.5 mm to 3.5 mm link cable?
Omnimagus of the Multi-Base.
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #7 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:15:46 pm »
That's what I was thinking, but also have an adapter for TI calcs
wait a second, weren't we going to have built in speakers? They will need a dedicated headphones port, period. Preferably a volume knob too.
King Graphmastur
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #8 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:18:23 pm »
Yes, it would. Can we break away from this whole compatibility thing? A simple plug-in that people use for sound, plus the included 3.5 to 3.5 cable will take care of that.
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #9 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:24:48 pm »
Alright, here's what I voted for and my reasoning:
Micro SD:Voted for
I find these a very convenient and easy way to transfer files. Those of you that have cell phones that use these or Micro SD adapters for your nintedo DSes should know what I mean. There is also the fact that they are cheap mass storage. I believe a micro SDHC can go up to 32 gb, and the normal Micro SD maxes out at 2GB(which is more than enough for most people).
Backlight:Voted for
I have positive experience with these in my Gameboy advance and my Nintedo DS. Current Ti calculators have problems with screen visibility, and this would definitely be a nice addition (hopefully with different brightness settings).
Mini USB:Voted for
It's small, compact, and works perfectly for the design. No need for a full size when mini does the job just as well.
2.5mm Link port:Voted for
Honestly either size would be fine, but I figured this might be more compact.
Touch screen:Voted against
I don't see it as necessary, plus styluses would be more replacement parts to keep up with. Not to mention that the screens tend to get scratched up and dirty easier. There is also the fact that the standardized testing boards might not allow these.
AA batteries:Voted for
They cost the same as AAA but last longer. This seems like the obvious choice to me if we go with standardized batteries.
Built in charging:Voted for
I'd really like a rechargeable lithium battery pack. But, built in charging of any type would be a great option. I can't tell you how convenient it is to just plug a device into my computer(which is on most of the time) and let it charge.
Omnimagus of the Multi-Base.
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #10 on:
August 07, 2010, 11:44:14 pm »
SDHC is actually just SD with slightly different addressing. Open-source devices can be modified to use sdhc, albeit slower than intended, and closed source devices can be patched by who made them (ie the wii.) I still vote regular SD cards myself, they're so much cheaper and more convenient (you don't break or lose them as much.) a 4GB SD costs the same as a 2GB MicroSD
Why not just have a separate link port? We could even use the USB. It's not like we'll be crying out for space. We will have room for more than one port.
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #11 on:
August 08, 2010, 12:19:31 pm »
I would rather have a regular SD slot than microSD, they're cheaper, and not all that big.
A backlight would be nice, provided there's variable brightness.
Micro USB is a no-brainer, we can then have the calc act like a USB mass storage device.
I voted for a 3.5mm link port, as the cables are more common, and we won't need an adapter to use headphones. A 3.5 male to 2.5 male should be included if we want to connect with TI calcs.
There shouldn't be a touchscreen, this is a calc after all.
This calc should be powered by AA batteries, they're cheaper and hold more power.
For built in charging, the user should select if they have rechargeable batteries or alkaline, and if they can be charged, the OS can let them be charged from the usb port.
King Graphmastur
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Re: Options for ARM calc. (Poll ending September 17th)
Reply #12 on:
September 02, 2010, 10:22:22 pm »
This poll ends on September 17, 2010. If you haven't voted, please do!
DJ Omnimaga
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #13 on:
September 02, 2010, 11:56:51 pm »
On labor day, it would be nice to advertise this poll on IRC during afternoon, as a lot of people will most likely be on. More voters that way.
King Graphmastur
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Re: Options for ARM calc.
Reply #14 on:
September 03, 2010, 06:48:14 am »
I'll be gone that day, but I think that omnombot could post it hourly that day. Since I can't that is.
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VOTE: Options for ARM calc.