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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2010, 03:39:41 pm »
We won't halt. We'll continue on with the OS building and hardware. But when we're done, we will eventually need to design a compat layer or converter. I really don't mind as long as Axe gets ported. :) But for the other students at school? They will be wanting that "Mario" or "Pacman99" game from the other person's TI, and when they try transfering it (or downloading and installing it), they would be kind of pissed that the calc can't run it. Again, just my 2 cents on the topic.
I don't understand this. If someone has a Casio graphing calculator, for example, why would they expect to run games made for a TI graphing calculator?

This is Z80, the same core as the TI-8x series. We're not building a Casio.
Although a new user base can fill the holes....
We won't halt. We'll continue on with the OS building and hardware. But when we're done, we will eventually need to design a compat layer or converter. I really don't mind as long as Axe gets ported. :) But for the other students at school? They will be wanting that "Mario" or "Pacman99" game from the other person's TI, and when they try transfering it (or downloading and installing it), they would be kind of pissed that the calc can't run it. Again, just my 2 cents on the topic.
Maybe converting can be done on-calc? then as soon as it recieves a TI-Basic program it will auto-convert it, conversion can also be done manually of course. Seeing what Axe can do I don't think it's as impossible as it sounds. I do recommend giving a warning stating that since this is not the native programming language for the calc errors may occur or something like that. We want them to develop for our platform but be able, just 'be able' to use old programs.

Second, If people like our calc then we are sure to get tons of games within no-time! we could even provide those by the masses with the release (not pre-installed but downloadable from a site).

Is anyone in for pretty-print functionality? I personally am altough I hated the speed decrease with ti's version, I am sure we can do better then TI though. For a student it would be a big plus too I think!

I like pretty print as long as it isn't as buggy and slow as the crappy TI OS is. :)

@fb39ca4, JonimusPrime: Likely the easiest, but: 1) It's kind of illegal unless you own the calc, which can prompt lovely insane lawsuits from TI; 2) How will the regular student who doesn't know much know where to download, not even including if they know how to install/run it?

As I've said, I'm only looking for bare compatibility. Nothing more, nothing less. If our calc is successful, I'm sure that plenty of people would jump on board and develop games, utilities, etc.
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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2010, 03:50:38 pm »
what does imo stand for?

ok, lets not all fuss about the compatibility with the ti programs.

Conversion programs will almost without doubt come into fruition, from ti to kos.
either on calc or on computer.

on calc.
Axe is a big inspiration to newer calc owners.  So we MUST be able to put it on and adjust the outcome to kos.

on computer.
Remember this is more than a calculator. We still need to be able to transfer info from a computer onto a calc.
So we shall need a linking program on windows and/or mac's and/or Linux's

Side note:  Shall we set up our own type of website for archives? or shall we just use omnimaga and ticalc?
personally i am for a whole new site, and put on both the new and onto ticalc.

School: East Central High School
Axe: 1.0.0
TI-84 +SE  ||| OS: 2.53 MP (patched) ||| Version: "M"
TI-Nspire    |||  Lent out, and never returned

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #47 on: August 07, 2010, 03:51:44 pm »
An emulator would be the solution. Also, guys, remember that just because something runs on a z80 TI calc doesn't mean that it will run on *EVERY EXISTING* z80 devices. It's not all about the processor. You have to take in account the LCD being used, the LCD driver being used (heck, some 83+ games won't run well on some 83+ because of different LCD hardware.), if the hardware contains a GPU or not, the way the memory is layed out and many more things. Do not assume if someone writes a TI-83+ game that all it will take is converting it to the new calc. Heck, take Gameboy games for example: You need TI-Boy SE to run them on the 84+. Renaming the extension from .gb to .8xp or 8xk just doesn't do it.

Of course, if someone writes a good converter, it could maybe work. However, it would be nice to see new stuff being done adapted to the platform.

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #48 on: August 07, 2010, 03:53:56 pm »
I can do the linking part.  Libusb will be a start for now, but writing custom drivers won't be too much of a problem.
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO =in my honest opinion
Imao = in my arrogant opinion.

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2010, 03:56:09 pm »
so are we planing ez80 or z80?
School: East Central High School
Axe: 1.0.0
TI-84 +SE  ||| OS: 2.53 MP (patched) ||| Version: "M"
TI-Nspire    |||  Lent out, and never returned

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #50 on: August 07, 2010, 03:57:44 pm »
For linking, we should have the calc emulate a usb mass storage device, so no drivers are required.

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #51 on: August 07, 2010, 04:04:21 pm »
I think we're pretty much on a consensus for TI compatibility: we'll use our own language and specs, with maybe some similarities from TI but more powerful. For apps and programs, we'll try our best with on calc/computer converters. No emulators, due to legal issues. That's pretty much it - we'll go back to this lovely question AFTER we're done with hardware prototyping, and have a serious, working OS on it.

@fb39ca4: Great idea! I'm not sure how the OS on the computer reads things, but if we just had a "virtual" FAT file system on the calc, it would be a smooth copy/paste transfer. :D

Basically, there is no FAT filesystem on the calc - it's stored in a special way. However, when plugged in, it emulates a FAT file system, with folders like Applications, Programs, etc.
When someone copies to or from the calc, the calc will be notified, and in response, will recv/send FAT data. Receiving would save the file being sent, sending will save a calc file onto the computer.
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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #52 on: August 07, 2010, 04:08:34 pm »
BrandonW was working on a program to emulate a fat filesystem for an 84, but I don't think it ever got released.

Offline calc84maniac

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #53 on: August 07, 2010, 04:08:47 pm »
@fb39ca4: Great idea! I'm not sure how the OS on the computer reads things, but if we just had a "virtual" FAT file system on the calc, it would be a smooth copy/paste transfer. :D

Basically, there is no FAT filesystem on the calc - it's stored in a special way. However, when plugged in, it emulates a FAT file system, with folders like Applications, Programs, etc.
When someone copies to or from the calc, the calc will be notified, and in response, will recv/send FAT data. Receiving would save the file being sent, sending will save a calc file onto the computer.

Why can't we use FAT? A well-established filesystem might be a good idea.
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Offline alberthrocks

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #54 on: August 07, 2010, 04:10:59 pm »
@fb39ca4: Great idea! I'm not sure how the OS on the computer reads things, but if we just had a "virtual" FAT file system on the calc, it would be a smooth copy/paste transfer. :D

Basically, there is no FAT filesystem on the calc - it's stored in a special way. However, when plugged in, it emulates a FAT file system, with folders like Applications, Programs, etc.
When someone copies to or from the calc, the calc will be notified, and in response, will recv/send FAT data. Receiving would save the file being sent, sending will save a calc file onto the computer.

Why can't we use FAT? A well-established filesystem might be a good idea.

Maybe, if it's workable. That's something SirCmpwn will have to decide. That will go into the software section for OTZ80.

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2010, 04:12:56 pm »
Matthias, please don't double-post within such short period of time, use the modify button, thanks.

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #56 on: August 07, 2010, 04:20:23 pm »
OK, we've really veered off path for this project. This is a hardware discussion, not software.
We need a solid foundation (the hardware) before we even think about proceeding to software.

That said, core things first: What will the CPU be? It seems everybody has agreed to eZ80, so we'll use that.
What clock speed will we use? There's only 2 choices here AFAIK (from 20 mhz or 50 mhz?

So, choose: 20 mhz or 50 mhz?
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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #57 on: August 07, 2010, 04:23:57 pm »
FAT is not a great idea, IMHO.  We should think of something else, or just use KFS.

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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #58 on: August 07, 2010, 04:24:06 pm »
OK, we've really veered off path for this project. This is a hardware discussion, not software.
We need a solid foundation (the hardware) before we even think about proceeding to software.

That said, core things first: What will the CPU be? It seems everybody has agreed to eZ80, so we'll use that.
What clock speed will we use? There's only 2 choices here AFAIK (from 20 mhz or 50 mhz?

So, choose: 20 mhz or 50 mhz?
50MHz, of course :)
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Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« Reply #59 on: August 07, 2010, 04:24:24 pm »
Well I'd say 20Mhz is plenty and will also be cheaper, run cooler, and use less power so I vote the 20Mhz.

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