
General Discussion => Art => Topic started by: Iambian on March 23, 2009, 09:16:51 pm

Title: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Iambian on March 23, 2009, 09:16:51 pm
So, I'm seeking character additions for the upcoming CaDan project. Give some background for your character and sprite/spellname data conforming to the template here:

That is what your entry should look like. For your viewing pleasure, this is another example, except blown up (and for some reason, filtered).
Again. I wants your character's take and a little background. If you want to make a story suggestion, please do so as well (since I've very little in the way of a story). Personalities work well, too.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Iambian on April 15, 2009, 08:01:48 pm

It's almost been a month since I've made the first post. Does anyone want to be included? Is there any interest? Maybe this topic fell through the cracks and nobody wanted to make a post? Does anyone need help in making their profile?

I'd appreciate it if any combination of these questions are answered. The project isn't dead, but I've been busy with a few other projects that are a bit closer to "home" (college club website).

But, for real. There's no rush to produce anything even if you are interested. Because of the lack of input and interest, I've been moving toward filling in some of the other menu items, such as "Results" and "Options" with stuff. Now that I'm on that topic, the "Replay" function of the game will be an official feature. I mean, the archive can't possibly be *that* gunked up with crap, right? (woe be to the ones who try, though)
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 15, 2009, 10:00:51 pm
well my only gripe is that it would actually require me to do the profile myself x.x and I got no idea, not to mention we need to all do the work of drawing stuff ourself and I am not very good at spriting x.x
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: kalan_vod on April 15, 2009, 11:35:40 pm
Can you make it read a appvar, and we can add ourselves/submit those to ticalc or w/e?
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Iambian on April 16, 2009, 05:36:23 pm
Can you make it read a appvar, and we can add ourselves/submit those to ticalc or w/e?
That wouldn't exactly work. The RAM usage is pretty hefty and the storage for all the characters would exceed the RAM limit. Reading from archive would suck in the environment I'm running in.

Actually, I'm more concerned about people cheating by putting in buffed up characters with absolutely no storyline content whatsoever. Whatever is decided for the game, the story *must* be stuck to in order to remain coherent.

The profile is pretty much to help me figure out what to put in and how the story should form. Not all the requirements need to be met, but I need *something* useful.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Eeems on July 24, 2009, 02:59:23 pm
I know this is a necropost, but Iambian are you still taking entries?
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Iambian on July 24, 2009, 10:46:49 pm
Even though I'm not exactly working on the project at the moment, sure. I'm still taking entries.

( Took long enough >.< )
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Eeems on July 24, 2009, 10:51:43 pm
kk, I'll get to working on it
EDIT: ok, how is this?
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: JoeyBelgier on July 25, 2009, 09:15:38 am
what size do they have to be?
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Eeems on July 25, 2009, 01:32:12 pm
I think the mini characters have to be at most 8*8
I don't know about the other thing
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: JoeyBelgier on July 25, 2009, 09:23:06 pm
mkay, might make some tomorrow ^^
too 'skeef' right now xD
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Iambian on July 25, 2009, 09:30:57 pm
Alright. I neglected to mention that the template is as follows, considering that all images are monochrome.

The top left part is a 32x32 "portrait" of your character, which will be displayed during character to NPC (usually bosses) dialog. The top-right corner is the 8x8 sprite that will be displayed during gameplay. The two boxes are spellcard names,  10 pixels high by 64 pixels wide, using the frame provided. The upper spellcard name is activated by hitting the bomb button, while the lower one is activated by holding the "focus" button while hitting the bomb button.

I hope this clears up some confusion. This information wasn't posted with the original post because at the time it was posted, the game was fresh and I expected everyone to have played the game at least once, so they'd know what each component of the image is for.

Also, I'd like to ask for any background stories that might go with the characters. This helps formulate a story that fits their personality or whatever.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: necro on July 25, 2009, 10:20:16 pm
Whats cadan?
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: noahbaby94 on July 25, 2009, 10:28:22 pm
This sexyness.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: simplethinker on July 25, 2009, 10:29:54 pm
Whats cadan?
Just another shooter ( by Iambian (CaDan = Calculator Danmaku).  Demo here (  It's a great game.

[edit] ninja'd by noah :(
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: noahbaby94 on July 25, 2009, 10:35:11 pm
You didn't edit that post though.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on July 25, 2009, 10:51:12 pm
as admin, I think he has the ability to not show edit notices, or when replying he got a warning about a ninja post
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: noahbaby94 on July 25, 2009, 11:16:27 pm
Oh didn't know that.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Iambian on July 26, 2009, 10:47:27 am
Edit notices don't appear until some substantial time after the first post was made, or if someone else has seen that post. I've gotten away with a few of those if I've edited very shortly after creating the post.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: simplethinker on July 26, 2009, 11:16:03 am
Does anyone want to be included? Is there any interest? ... Does anyone need help in making their profile?
My answers to all these are "yes", but with emphasis on the "help in making their profile" part.  Could you give some description of the story so far or an example profile so we could see what you're looking for?

Also, do the characters have to be serious/semi-believable or can they be a bit more out there?  The reason I ask is that every time I think to myself "what would a snjwffl look like" I see this image of an anthropomorphized squirrel (I'm not kidding about this).

as admin, I think he has the ability to not show edit notices, or when replying he got a warning about a ninja post
I don't think even admins can hide the "edited by... at..." tag.  The reason I knew about noah's post is that when I hit "preview" right before posting, the top post on the Topic Summary thingy said "new".  I did, however, hit submit and then edit the post, but since the post was just a few seconds old the "edited by" didn't show up.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: JoeyBelgier on July 26, 2009, 02:26:48 pm
EDIT: ain't it a better idea then to make an 8*8  spaceship thing?
and a pilot's face 32*32?

I don't understand the meaning of a cube with cubes in it that makes a flare of smaller cubes o.o

EDIT: you seem to have a great engine, but as said above, a square with squares looks a bit square as a character to me?
EDIT: can anyone actually answer or something like that
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Iambian on July 26, 2009, 10:28:24 pm
Some things just aren't meant to be taken seriously. Netham's story will be about the loss of his pizza during a raid, so he goes to war with that in mind. The cube... well, how about a sentient computer-cube device that goes to war based on its own best interests. An extra character, really.

I haven't really come up with a story quite yet, but I'll have it open-ended such that anyone can participate. Your characters can be about as non-realistic as you want it to be. Nothing is really going to be taken seriously, even though the story itself might be. Sure, even some of the bosses might call you out on it, but let's get "real", however far that term might go in such a game.
Title: Re: CaDan Character Entry
Post by: Eeems on July 31, 2009, 06:59:03 pm
hmm, for my guys I'm thinking that, nothing went right for him, so unlike the typical Eeems he doesn't sit in a corner and cry he goes to war, to see if anything works for him there...