General Discussion => Art => Topic started by: 4ce_labs on April 11, 2006, 06:21:00 am

here's some pixel art from my up comming game laf all you want! :lol:
sound cool and you all draw them with lines? Nice
yes, but insted of typing
over an over again
I use sprite maker x
to draw the lines then it temoprialy stores it as a list
I copy+paste the list in a program
and past the tag
then it re-draws the lines
so if you wan't they can be saved a PIC!
This looks nice! Good pixel art imho.
I like it, saw it on the old forums.
thanks :D
welcome back on the forums ace_labs
It's 'force labs.' :)

My interpretation was a lot worse until he told me.
And of course, welcome back. :)
Haha, I thought it said Ace Labs >.>
lol...I thought it was Ace Labs too. :D

yeah, a lot of people think that maby I should put it in "( )"
I think some of us don't take the time and read things through :P
*kalan looks in a mirror*
hehehe, it's not bad pixel art, though it's a bit rough, it doesn't look that ugly.
ahhh!!! it's t3h MasterJc!!!!
For using just the line command it's snazy.