Helloes, I am making a game with snowmans, and I need help with sprites -.-°
I'll try to be clear in my explanations (feel free to ask if you didn't understand something).
First of all, greyscale is allowed. 4 or 3 levels of grey, not more of course

I need each snowman to be in 3 parts, each part being a 12x12 sprite. Note that those 12x12 parts can encroach each others to make a perfect snowman. For example, the first sprite would be a big snowball, the second one, a less big snowball, and the third one a snowhead, and putting each of those on top of the other would make a snowman.
Now that it is clear how to make a snowman, in fact I need 3 of those

I don't ask for specific designs, I just would like to have 3 very different snowmans.
The first one can be a normal, round-shaped snowman for example, the second one can be a square-shaped snowman for example (instead of being composed of snowballs, it would be snowcubes) and the third one, I have no idea, you are free to make it as you wish, just make it different from the others

Thanks in advance for those who make even one part of those

(of course you'll get credits and +1s).