General Discussion => Art => Topic started by: stevon8ter on May 26, 2012, 06:58:39 am
Ok, all i need is a nyan-cat sprite, height has to be: body: 7 or 14pixels foots: 1 or 2 i prefer the 7 and 1
Lenght 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 pixels
Hope someone has better drawingskills as me (i have 0 :P)
I don't know if xlib support sprites with a lenght over 16pixels?
Well, xlib supports all sprite lengths, the width just have to be dividable with 8, that's the limit.
And when I needed to make a nyan cat I took the animation from downloaded it, opened it with gimp and scaled it down, then copied pixel by pixel.
Ok, i'll try it to, thanks man, you help me a lot :P
Haha, glad I could help you, even thought I didn't actually do a thing xD
Oh yes you can, I'm the only one on the forum who doesn't help people, i know my basic but not like how you all do
Well, you could also make the sprite into greyscale, i made here some tutorial how to do so with xLib (I suppose you use it coz of the other thread):
yes i do indeed, but the other thread is scripting itself, this was a precise subject
And thx, i'll take a look at it
(i don't know yet if i'm going to use nyancat or make another prog)
Ok, no prob, I'm always glad if I can help :)