Author Topic: Some animals and a car request.  (Read 16189 times)

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Re: Some animals and a car request.
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2010, 03:35:34 pm »
hahaha, that'd be so cool if you did it. mine's going for gameplay, where the graphics are pretty simple. you run on a line that can have a +1 slope, -1 slope, or no slope. and then of course there's some blank spaces so you have to jump etc.

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Re: Some animals and a car request.
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2010, 03:43:07 pm »
So you're making something similar?

Btw, grayscale only takes up about 50% of processor time regardless of the current speed setting. So I'd still have 7.5 Mhz to do gameplay.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 03:43:51 pm by thepenguin77 »
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Re: Some animals and a car request.
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2010, 03:52:31 pm »
This is not to mention Omni is blocked at SirCmpwn's school anyway, so he will have even less access time when school resumes. Also, if you wait until school restarts before doing calc stuff again, then you only have 15 days left to finish your Axe contest entry. If everyone kept the same mentality over here, we would get no Axe entry for the contest. A contest with no entry would be so awesome! </sarcasm>

Oh, actually the secret Axe project isn't isn't for the Axe contest, I'm just planning something in it that's something a lot harder than I can do alone. (I have two friends at my school who are very interested in calc programming, one of which I met at a Music and Math Summer camp last week and I know is still interested.)  The Bomberman program (for the Axe contest) on the other hand, I'm still coding.

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Offline nemo

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Re: Some animals and a car request.
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2010, 03:52:33 pm »
yeah i am. it's originally why i requested the sprites. mine isn't going to be very graphically detailed, in hopes that it'll run at a decent speed on 6 Mhz calculators.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Some animals and a car request.
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2010, 03:58:36 pm »
Someday I'll probably make robot unicorn attack. But it'll be one of those programs where it's just all out how it looks and I don't care about memory. I'm talking full screen 8 level grayscale title, detailed ground and enemies, and full screen background parallax. The title + background are already 7k.

But it would be epic...
hehe, for some reasons, that reminds me my grayscale number guessing game ;D, except of course a Robot Unicorn Attack game would be much more entertaining :P

It also reminds me a bit xLIB xLIB Revolution. I should really make an Axe Axe revolution... it would make the data MUCH smaller (in XXR, each arrow were 9 bytes of data, meaning levels could be up to 9801 bytes large each).
This is not to mention Omni is blocked at SirCmpwn's school anyway, so he will have even less access time when school resumes. Also, if you wait until school restarts before doing calc stuff again, then you only have 15 days left to finish your Axe contest entry. If everyone kept the same mentality over here, we would get no Axe entry for the contest. A contest with no entry would be so awesome! </sarcasm>

Oh, actually the secret Axe project isn't isn't for the Axe contest, I'm just planning something in it that's something a lot harder than I can do alone. (I have two friends at my school who are very interested in calc programming, one of which I met at a Music and Math Summer camp last week and I know is still interested.)  The Bomberman program (for the Axe contest) on the other hand, I'm still coding.
Oh,  I meant the Bomberman game. I was scared you stopped working on it until Sept 1st (where everyone will most likely have resumed school) x.x
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 04:01:09 pm by DJ Omnimaga »