Before I got a TI-83+ I actually spent the year before creating hand-drawn dice-pen RPGs in comic book form. Some of you probably remember those old Advanced Dungeons and Dragons books. In my case I decided to do comics instead of using just text.
Sadly, scanning or making pics of 200 pages one by one would take way too long, so I never actually did that, and I am kinda ashamed of some of my writing and drawing, but since some people wanted to see how it looks like, I'm gonna post some pics anyway.
My drawing is much sub-par in quality than many things I saw here on this forums, but now you can see what I was up to from September 2000 to June 2001, before getting my calculator and quitting drawing:

Basically most comic strips were numbered and at the end, you had to choose to go to another specific comic strip. Sometimes it asked you to go to 271 if you wanted to go left, 289 to go right, 71 to go back, and so on. Sometimes you encountered enemies and gained experience to level up. (The latter is something most D&D lacked, I think, but the downside of the complexity of my comic books compared to regular dice-pen games was that you needed a calculator. IN the second book you even had LV 1 to 99 like real RPGs and could reach 9999 HP)
For years I thought about making a computer game based on the comic books, either by scanning every page or by doing pixel art based on the books, but that would take a while. Oh well, at least now you have a small idea of how crappy my drawing could be (although in the last 2 pics it's not as bad since I spent 8 hours on each pic) but also how my 2001 comic books looked like

Note: The image quality kinda weared down with the time. I bet now it is a bit worse than it was in the captures above. I think the colors on the back cover of the first book is almost erased somewhere. Also The two last pics were optional boss fights. The Tetra Weapon boss was nearly impossible to beat.