
General Discussion => Art => Topic started by: turiqwalrus on February 01, 2012, 02:54:18 pm

Title: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: turiqwalrus on February 01, 2012, 02:54:18 pm
Well, I decided that I needed something to work on, and this is the result!

This is going to be a collection of sprites usable by anyone, and everyone's welcome to contribute. To start with, I am attaching a small weapons sheet with monochrome and grayscale weapons
here's ( a link to saintrunner's sprite thread, containing a good amount of well-designed sprites for calculator and computer.

please give credit to the author of the sprites if you plan on using it!
people put hard work into making artwork and deserve some sort of credit for it.
-files must be of the PNG file type
-no exact copies of existing sprites
-any size is welcome, but 8*8 or 16*16 are preferred(they're easier to implement in a game :P)
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: nxtboy III on February 01, 2012, 10:13:40 pm
Wow, for my After Dark game I use weapons that are 8x8. This could be useful!
Oh, and here are some sprites:
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: saintrunner on February 01, 2012, 10:20:02 pm
Check my sig for a link to my sprite thread (too many to post all here plus I am doing computer sprites too now)
any can be used as long as I get credit of either an ingame shout out, readme shout out, or even a single uprating would do. lol I like the stuff I'm seeing you all make! nice job
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: turiqwalrus on February 02, 2012, 03:09:00 pm
Oh, and here are some sprites:
cool! I especially like the large zombie...
Is it OK if I compile these into a single file and put them on the first post(with credit to you, of course)?

and I've also attached a foods file to this post :D
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: nxtboy III on February 02, 2012, 06:02:42 pm
Sure. :)
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: turiqwalrus on February 03, 2012, 04:24:07 pm
right... here's the next batch: terrain!
I included basic terrains(grass, hill, etc.) and some larger multiple-part sprites(a house and a tower)
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: NUGGET on February 03, 2012, 05:27:51 pm
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: nxtboy III on February 03, 2012, 06:11:18 pm
turiqwalrus, all the sprites you posted, did you make them??
Nugget, those look AWESOME!!!!!!

EDIT: Nugget, we cannot use these????
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: NUGGET on February 03, 2012, 06:17:03 pm
EDIT: Nugget, we cannot use these????

Nope.  I'm using them for my own game right now, and I highly dislike sharing sprites I use for an actual project for other people to use for their games as well.  As I said, I just wanted to contribute with an exhibition.
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: saintrunner on February 03, 2012, 06:17:18 pm
NUGGET: this thread is for sprites to share, not show off.
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: NUGGET on February 03, 2012, 06:20:46 pm
NUGGET: this thread is for sprites to share, not show off.

With that approach, you won't get many sprites to be given here; Instead, by providing open sprites as well as example sprites, you can help others along with formulating their own, which is just as important to do, if not more important.  The more people can then learn by example and become better, the more sprites in general you will have, some for example, some for sharing.  I'll just say, it's a common thing done in the spriting world, and it's more influential and supporting to budding talented spritists than it is detrimental.
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: nxtboy III on February 03, 2012, 06:23:15 pm
Maybe some people could make some 16x16 sprites....

turiqwalrus- do you think you could make some sprites for me?
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: saintrunner on February 03, 2012, 06:24:04 pm
Talk to Turiqwalrus about that, he started this thread
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: Iambian on February 03, 2012, 06:32:13 pm
Not entirely sure *where* these sprites originated from, but they were provided to me by Zera. I think he said he ripped quite a few of them from a selection of Gameboy games. Anyway, this tileset is found in Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth, a game that I've been working on for quite some time (coupled with lots and lots of breaks, hehe).

EDIT: The tiles between 3 and 11 are actually land-water tiles. They're grayed out because of an interesting property of these water tiles: The dark gray layer can be used as a transparency layer. This allows me to animate them at the same time as the water tile (7). This is provided as a small hint on a technique you can use if you need to have some form of layering when you do grayscale stuffs.

EDIT2: I think Zera would let me post the tileset freely like this. I mean, E:SoR is supposed to be released as open-source once the thing is pulled together, so I suppose sharing like this would be a natural extension of that. I just don't want to release too many details because that would just spoil the game.

EDIT3: inb4 these are 4-layer grayscale tiles.
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: ZippyDee on February 03, 2012, 06:34:48 pm
NUGGET: this thread is for sprites to share, not show off.
With that approach, you won't get many sprites to be given here; Instead, by providing open sprites as well as example sprites, you can help others along with formulating their own, which is just as important to do, if not more important.  The more people can then learn by example and become better, the more sprites in general you will have, some for example, some for sharing.  I'll just say, it's a common thing done in the spriting world, and it's more influential and supporting to budding talented spritists than it is detrimental.
You can provide your examples wherever you want. The whole point of this thread is to have a compilation of sprites that are all available to be used. So someone could just look through this thread and find a sprite they needed without having to worry if it's okay to use or not. That's the issue that's going on here.

Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: nxtboy III on February 03, 2012, 06:35:28 pm
Yes! Thank you!!
I've been wanting some sprites from Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth!
is that all the tiles in the game? aren't there more?
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: Iambian on February 03, 2012, 06:52:39 pm
Yes! Thank you!!
I've been wanting some sprites from Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth!
is that all the tiles in the game? aren't there more?
Those are all the tiles that are rendered as part of the tilemap routine. Character sprites, on the other hand, are rendered by a nonexistant sprite routine (You try writing a masked 4-level grayscale sprite routine that operates on an grayscale-interlaced vertically-aligned buffer. calc84maniac refused to do it for me, though I dunno if it's because he wants me to feel the pain or if he just doesn't want to).

I am not willing to share the entire spritesheet at this time, if only because that part hasn't been finalized. If you absolutely need to have some sort of example, I suggest looking through some of the topics in the E:SoR subforum ( All the good topics have related images in the first page that you can use as a reference. Except the really long ones. In that case, I might make the suggestion to use the "View attachments" link which takes the form of a paperclip next to the topic title.

The stuff found in those threads contain preliminary work, which may or may not appear as they are in the final revision of E:SoR.
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: nxtboy III on February 03, 2012, 06:59:14 pm
Well, there aren't any tilesets posted in those topics for E;Sor. :(
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: TIfanx1999 on February 03, 2012, 07:58:31 pm
Most of the sprites from ESOR are from Final Fantasy I or Final Fantasy IV. <a href=>The Spriters Resource</a> should have most if not all of them. Take a look if you are interested. :)
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 03, 2012, 11:39:56 pm
Holy crap Iambian those looks amazing :O
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: nxtboy III on February 04, 2012, 09:25:19 pm
Here's a zombie walking sprite I made
Title: Re: Sprite compendium- the ultimate source for game artwork.
Post by: turiqwalrus on February 05, 2012, 03:19:17 am
cool... will add to the spritesheet that I made of your sprites