General Discussion => Art => Topic started by: CDI on March 16, 2006, 06:37:00 am

Okay, so I have this nice title screen, but I don't know what to put in the middle (the menu isn't going there)
hm... dunno right now...
lemme think a while ^^
Looks nice, and I am glad you are working on this agian! Maybe have an animation? Something like xxr had, where maybe the char is walking around or somthing.
A big theta with a 14 inside? In gs?
a ) No GS, that'd take 2 pics... and as I have it now I have 1 title screen pic, and about 28 other pics for sprites and sorts
b ) I was thinking about animation, not XXR style though, maybe the character sprite walking around...
Well I did suggest walking around :P
. But yeah, That is alot of sprites! Are you sure your going to use all of them? O.o
or anamation, or little number 14's (text function)
flying across the screen!
character walking around would be cool. In Illusiat 7 since it had something to do with 4 crystals I had a small animation with them at intro like in Mystic Quest