Hey all,
first post here. Just thought I'd share a program I recently made. It's programmed in Axe and uses a few specific rules to generate random patterns. Often they come out pretty cool, like this:
You can view a few more here:
http://imageshack.us/g/593/rlss1.png/Here's the program (and the source, if you want to play with it):
http://www.mediafire.com/?yavujc2kpahhewd0 clears the screen
2 generates a new pattern to draw
3 (hold down) draws the current pattern
Also, the source is below if you don't want to download it. I haven't much cleaned it up, and I've moved the pattern generator and drawing routine into their own function as I intend to make them configurable in a future release.
Let me know what you think!