Author Topic: [TBP] Help Optimize  (Read 2885 times)

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[TBP] Help Optimize
« on: January 06, 2011, 08:33:38 pm »
Please help me optimize! Here are some of the routines I've made, let me know of any optimizations I could make :)
Keep in mind that I use some special defines, so if you want to know what something does, feel free to ask
Code: [Select]
;draws a menu based on a table.
call Flushkey
call tobackbuff ;store to backbuffer to save screen
push hl ;store input
rectangle(5,4,75,61,0) \ rectangle(4,5,76,60,0) ;clear the box beneath the menu
largeSprite(4,4,9,57,MenuImg) ;draw the menu item
pop hl ;recall the input
ld a,6 ;set
ld (penCol),a ;x and
ld (penRow),a ;y loc
call DrawWrappedString ;draw it
ld a,(hl) ;get value
ld b,a ;store to b for loop
ld c,b ;current selected position
inc hl ;increase to the string
ld a,11 ;store the correct location
ld (penRow),a ;to y
ld a,16 ;set
ld (penCol),a ;x
ld a,(penRow) ;get y
add a,6 ;go to newline
ld (penRow),a ;store y
call DrawWrappedString ;draw it
djnz menudisploop ;loop until b is 0
ld b,c ;store amount of items back to b
ld c,0 ;set c to first item
call menupickdraw ;draw the menu selector
lcdupdate ;update the screen
call Pause ;wait until key is pressed
call menupickdraw ;erase the menu selector
cp 04h ;up key
jr z,menuup
cp 01h ;down key
jr z,menudown
cp 0Fh ;clear key
jr z,menucancel
cp 36h ;2nd key
jr z,_
cp 09h ;enter key
jr nz,menukeyloop
_ call frombackbuff ;restore original screen
ld a,c ;check to see if c is the first item
or a ;skip next loop if so
jr z,menujump
ld b,c ;b is the selected item
inc hl ;increase to
inc hl ;the next item in the jump list
djnz menucancel ;repeat until at the right item
call Flushkey
ld a,(hl) ;store the value of the first part into a
inc hl ;increate to the second half of the address
ld h,(hl) ;store the second part to h
ld l,a ;and the first to l
jp (hl) ;jump now to the address in hl
ld a,c ;get the current item
inc a ;increase it
cp b ;if it is the max
jr z,menukeyloop ;skip next step
inc c ;otherwise actually increase it
jr menukeyloop ;then jump back
ld a,c ;get current item
cp 0 ;if it is zero
jr z,menukeyloop ;do nothing to it
dec c ;otherwise decrease it
jr menukeyloop ;then jump back
push bc ;don't want to effect
push af ;all the registers
push hl ;so lets push them onto the stack
ld a,6 ;lets now set the correct x location
call menusetl ;and y
ld b,8 ;and height
ld ix,menupicker ;and give it the right sprite
call IPutSprite ;draw it now!
pop hl ;and now we restore
pop af ;all the registers
pop bc ;back to normal that we need
ret ;routine done!
push af ;protect af
ld a,c ;because we are puttin the current item into it
or a ;checking if it is zero
jr z,++_ ;if so jump forward two
xor a ;otherwise set a to zero for some math
push bc ;protect current bc
ld b,c ;load c into b
add a,6 ;add 6 to a until done with b
djnz -_ ;loop de loop
pop bc ;lets get the original b back
add a,16 ;add the standard 16 offset
ld l,a ;store it all to e
pop af ;reset a
ret ;done setting e
Code: [Select]
;outputs the string in HL at penCol and penRow and wraps it on the screen. It also allows for manual newlines with \n
ld a, (hl)
inc hl
cp '\n'
jr z, WrapLine
cp '\r'
jr z, WrapPage
cp '\t'
jr z,Tab
or a
ret z
b_call _VPutMap
ld a,(penCol)
cp 92
jr nc,WrapLine
jr DrawWrappedString
ld a,(penCol)
add a,6
ld (penCol),a
cp 55
call nc,Newline
jr DrawWrappedString
call Newline
jr DrawWrappedString
call pause
jr DrawWrappedString
Code: [Select]
;newline, wrapps screen if necessary
;preserves af
push af
xor a
ld (penCol),a
ld a,(penRow)
add a, 6
cp 55
jr nc,NewLine_top
ld (penRow),a
pop af
xor a
ld (penRow),a
pop af

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Re: [TBP] Help Optimize
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2011, 11:12:22 am »
Code: [Select]
;Renders the text animation and text box to screen and handles text reading stuffs
;inputs: hl=text_pointer
call tobackbuff
push hl
ld a,44
ld (penRow),a
ld a,2
ld (penCol),a
pop hl
call Slowdown
ld a, (hl)
inc hl
cp '\n'
jr z, ___TOWrapLine
cp '\r'
jr z,___TOPage
or a
jr z, __TOEnd
b_call _VPutMap
ld a,(penCol)
cp 92
jr nc,___TOWrapLine
cp 86
jr nc,+_
jr ___TOloop
_ ld a,(penRow)
push af
cp 51
jr nc,+_
pop af
jr ___TOloop
push af
ld a,2
ld (penCol),a
ld a,(penRow)
add a, 6
cp 57
jr nc,_
ld (penRow),a
pop af
jr ___TOloop
push af
push hl
call Pause
pop hl
pop af
jp ___TORevert
push hl
call frombackbuff
call Pause
pop hl
;slows down stuff
ld c,$0F
_ ld b,$FF
_ push bc
pop bc
djnz -_
dec c
ld a,c
or a
jr nz,--_
More code for people to help me optimize, let me know if you need to know any routines called that I haven't listed.
I would really appreciate all the help I can get!