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;==========;XOR 4*4;==========;Inputs:;ix = sprite address;c = X Position;b = Y Position;Outputs:;a = last line of sprite displayed;b = 0;c = X position (undestroyed ^^);de = 12;hl = buffer location of sprite + 12 (next line);ix = sprite address + 2 (next sprite?);==========;This was made to be a standalone program.#ifdef bcall(xxxx);THE GAME#else#include "ti83plus.inc".org $9d93.db t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp#endif;==========;Just for testing purposes: bcall(_clrlcdfull) bcall(_runindicoff) bcall(_grbufclr) ld ix, x4sprite ;ix holds sprite address ld c, 1 ;c holds X location ld b, 1 ;b holds Y location;========== FourXOR: ld a, b add a, a ;\A * 3 add a, b ;/ add a, a ;\A * 4 add a, a ;/ ld h, 0 ;A*2 is too large to fit into 8 bits, so we must use a 16 bit register. ld l, a add hl, hl ;\A * 4 add hl, hl ;/Align Y pos to the X4 grid. ld d, 0 ld e, c srl e ;Now, we are only concerned on the X8 alignment. We will fine tune it to X4 later. add hl, de ;add X pos to Y pos ld de, plotsscreen ;Finally, we add the Buffer location. add hl, de ld b, 2 ;B*2 Pixels tall sprite ld e, 12 ;Width of Screen _FourDispByte: ld a, (ix) ;loads sprite at ix and %11110000 ;use left side of byte bit 0, c ;If X pos is an odd number, we have to shift to the right. jr z, _FourDispN1 ;if D is aligned to the byte, branch. Else, shift sprite by 4. srl a ;shift sprite to the right 4 pixels. srl a srl a srl a _FourDispN1: ld d, (hl) xor d ;xor sprite onto current buffer contents ld (hl), a ld d, 0 ;DE = 12 add hl, de ;shift pen down one row ld a, (ix) and %00001111 ;It is on the right side of the byte. bit 0, c jr nz, _FourDispN2 ;if d is not aligned to the byte, branch. add a, a ;shift sprite to the left 4 pixels add a, a add a, a add a, a _FourDispN2: ld d, (hl) xor d ;xor sprite onto current buffer contents ld (hl), a inc ix ld d, 0 add hl, de djnz _FourDispByte ;==========;More pseudo random stuff just for testing bcall(_grbufcpy) bcall(_getkey);========== ret X4Sprite:.db %10010110.db %01101001
;=============================DrawSprite4x4:;=============================;Inputs:; C is the y coordinate (0 to 15); B is the column to draw to (0 to 23); DE points to the font data;Outputs:; A is 1; BC is 12; DE is incremented by 4 (pointing to next sprite?); HL is incremented by 30h;============================= ld a,b ;78 ld b,0 ;0600 ld h,b ;60 ld l,c ;69 add hl,hl ;29 add hl,bc ;09 add hl,hl ;29 add hl,hl ;29 add hl,hl ;29 add hl,hl ;29 rra ;1F ld c,a ;4F push af ;F5 add hl,bc ;09 ld bc,plotSScreen ;014093 add hl,bc ;09 ld b,4 ;0604 pop af ;F1 ld a,$F0 ;3EF0 jr c,RightMask ;3801 cpl ;2FRightmask: ld (asm_flags1),a ;32118ADrawTheSprite: ld a,(asm_flags1) ;3A118A ld c,(hl) ;4E and c ;A1 ld (hl),a ;77 ld a,(de) ;1A and $F0 ;E6F0 bit 0,(iy+asm_flags1) ;FDCB2146 jr nz,NoShift ;2004 rlca ;07 rlca ;07 rlca ;07 rlca ;07NoShift: or (hl) ;B6 ld (hl),a ;77 ld a,b ;78 ld bc,12 ;010C00 add hl,bc ;09 ld b,a ;47 inc de ;13 djnz DrawTheSprite ;10E2 ret ;C9
PutSprite4x4:;———————————————————54 bytes———————————————————;;ENTRY POINT #1: PutSprite4x4;—> Draws a 4x4 sprite to plotSScreen, aligned to a 24x16 grid;INPUTS: a=row (0-15) c=column (0-23) de=sprite;OUTPUTS: a=0 bc=12 de=sprite+4 hl=((row+4)*48)+(column/2)+plotSScreen;FLAGS: S=0 Z=1 H=0 V=0 N=1 C=column mod 2;—————————————————~620 cycles——————————————————;;ENTRY POINT #2: PutSprite4x4_AnyBuf;—> Draws a 4x4 sprite to the specified buffer, aligned to a 24x16 grid;INPUTS: a=row (0-15) c=column (0-23) de=sprite hl=buffer;OUTPUTS: a=0 bc=12 de=sprite+4 hl=((row+4)*48)+(column/2)+buffer;FLAGS: S=0 Z=1 H=0 V=0 N=1 C=column mod 2;—————————————————~610 cycles——————————————————; ld hl,plotSScreenPutSprite4x4_AnyBuf: push hl ld b,a add a,a add a,b add a,a add a,a ld h,0 ld l,a ld b,h add hl,hl add hl,hl rr c rla add hl,bc pop bc add hl,bc ld bc,12 rra ld a,4__PutSprite4x4_Loop: push af ld a,(hl) jr c,__PutSprite4x4_Loop_AlignLeft and %00001111 ld (hl),a ld a,(de) jr __PutSprite4x4_Loop_AlignEnd and %11110000 ld (hl),a ld a,(de) rra rra rra rra__PutSprite4x4_Loop_AlignEnd: or (hl) ld (hl),a add hl,bc inc de pop af dec a jr nz,__PutSprite4x4_Loop ret
Xeda or anyone else, feel free to grab this routine for your own projects.