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diexxld bc,768ld hl,BufDatald de,plotSScreenldirexx
ld bc,0811h ;b=8, size of the sprite, c=11h, the LCD Data port ld hl,SpriteDataDrawLoop: <<any code to provide a proper delay>> outi jr nz,DrawLoop retSpriteData: .db 3Ch,42h,81h,81h,81h,81h,42h,3Ch ;ball
send8BytesBitsOverPipe0: ld hl, bytesToSend ld bc, 8*256+$A0 otir ret
;#######################################;take in all the bytes from a port;input: c = port;output: b = bytes receivedimportBytes: ld b, 0importLoop: in a, ($96) or a ret z ini ;this dec's b inc b inc b jr importLoop
Hmm, so if I am reading your post properly, the first code sends 8 bytes to port $A0, and the second writes all the bytes being received, to HL, and then returns the number of bytes that were received? Is USB control that easy?