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Here's a very optimized way to convert a 16-bit signed number into an 8-bit signed number in a with overflow handling (if hl<-128, a=-128; if hl>127, a=127). Two added bonus to being super small and super fast are that it destroys nothing and that you could easily modify it to make the input a 16-bit register other than hl.Code: [Select]Signed16To8: ld a,l add a,a sbc a,a sub h ld a,l ret z ld a,h add a,a sbc a,a xor %01111111 ret
Signed16To8: ld a,l add a,a sbc a,a sub h ld a,l ret z ld a,h add a,a sbc a,a xor %01111111 ret
Signed16To8: ld a,l add a,a ld a,h adc a,l cp l ret z ld a,$7F ret p inc a ret
PseudoRandWord:;Outputs:; BC was the previous pseudorandom number; HL is the pseudorandom number;f(n+1)=(241f(n)+257) mod 65536 ;65536;181 cycles, add 17 if called ld hl,(randSeed) ld c,l ld b,h add hl,hl add hl,bc add hl,hl add hl,bc add hl,hl add hl,bc add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,bc inc h inc hl ld (randSeed),hl ret
FindNumPages:;Inputs:; The app base page is loaded in MemBank1;Outputs:; c flag set if the field was found; nc means the app header subfield was not found; A is the number of app pages; B is 0; (HL) is the number of app pages ld hl,4000h ld bc,128 ld a,c or aFNPLoop: cpir ret po ret nz inc a cp (hl) jr z,$+5 dec a jr FNPLoop inc l ld a,(hl) scf ret
FindNumPages:;Inputs:; The app base page is loaded in MemBank1;Outputs:; A, (HL) is the number of app pages ld hl,4000h ld a,81h ld c,aFNPLoop: dec a cpir inc a cp (hl) jr nz,FNPLoop inc l ld a,(hl) ret
rectangle ;inputs: l=Y, a=X, b=height, c=length ;save coords & stuff h, a push hl push bc call rectangle.calc ;below pop bc pop hlrectangle.display; inputs: h=X, l=Y, b=height ld a, h ld e, l ld h, $00 ld d, h add hl, de add hl, de add hl, hl add hl, hl ;l*12 ld e, a srl e srl e srl e ;x/8 add hl, de ld de, gbuf add hl, derectangle.display.loop: push bc push hl ld a, (hl) ld c, a ld a, (rectangle.scanline1) ; somewhere in ram... xor c ld (hl), a inc hl ld a, (rectangle.scanline2) or a jr z, rectangle.display.noloop2 ld b, arectangle.display.loop2: ld a, (hl) xor $FF ld (hl), a inc hl djnz rectangle.display.loop2rectangle.display.noloop2: ld a, (hl) ld c, a ld a, (rectangle.scanline3) xor c ld (hl), a pop hl pop bc ld de, 12 add hl, de djnz rectangle.display.loop retrectangle.calc;inputs:; a = x; b = height; c = length ld d, a ld a, $FF ld (rectangle.scanline1), a xor a ld (rectangle.scanline2), a ld (rectangle.scanline3), a ld a, d and 7 ld d, a or a jr z, rectangle.skipShift1 ld e, $FFrectangle.shift1 srl e dec a or a jr nz, rectangle.shift1 ld a, e ld (rectangle.scanline1), arectangle.skipShift1 ld a, d ; a = shift right ld h, a ; save add a, c ; a + c ld b, a ; save b = a + c and 7 ; /8 Rest? ld d, a ; Rest ld a, 8 sub d ; 8 - Rest ld d, a ; = d ld e, $FFrectangle.shift2 sla e dec a or a jr nz, rectangle.shift2 ld a, e ld (rectangle.scanline3), a ld a, 16 ld e, h ; a sub e ; 16 - a sub d ; -d srl a srl a srl a ld d, a ; ld a, c srl a srl a srl a ; /8 sub d ld d, a ld a, (rectangle.scanline2) add a, d ld (rectangle.scanline2), a ; ld a, b and %11111000 or a ; if (shift_right + length)<8, do (rectangle.scanline1 & rectangle.scanline3) ret nz ld a, (rectangle.scanline1) ld d, a ld a, (rectangle.scanline3) and d ld (rectangle.scanline1), a xor a ld (rectangle.scanline2), a ld (rectangle.scanline3), a ret
;=======================================;; Rectangle Filling Routine Version 1.0 ;; By Jason Kovacs & The TCPA - 10/11/99 ;;=======================================;; Input: D = Top Left X Coordinate, E = Top Left Y Coordinate; H = Bottom Right X Coord, L = Bottom Right Y Coord; C = Color of Lines (0-White, 1-Black, 2-XORed);; Output: A Rectangle is drawn to the Graph Buffer with its border; and everything within it Filled in according to the value in; reg C which specifies the Color.;; Registers Affected: AF Destroyed; B=0 ; C, DE, HL Preserved.; The Index Registers and the Shadow Registers Aren't Used.Rectangle_Filled: ld a,l sub e inc a ld b,a ld a,h sub d inc a push deRect_Fill_Loop: push af call V_Line pop af inc d dec a jr nz, Rect_Fill_Loop pop de ret;=======================================;; Horizontal and Verticle Line Routines ;; By Jason Kovacs & The TCPA - 10/11/99 ;;=======================================;; For H_Line and V_Line:;; Input: B = Length of Line (Number of Pixels); C = Color of Line (0-White, 1-Black, 2-XORed); D = X Coordinate Start of the Line; E = Y Coordinate Start of the Line;; Output: Lines are Drawn to the Graph Buffer, and the Starting; Byte and Pixel Mask are Automatically determined according; to the Input of the Coordinates in DE.;; Registers Affected: All Registers are Preserved Except AF.V_Line: push de push hl push bc ld a,d call Getpix pop bc push bc ld d,c ld c,a ld a,d ld de,12 or a call z,V_White_Line dec a call z,V_Black_Line dec a call z,V_XORed_Line pop bc pop hl pop de retV_White_Line: ld a,c cpl ld c,a V_White_Line_2: ld a,(hl) and c ld (hl),a add hl,de djnz V_White_Line_2 xor a retV_Black_Line: ld a,(hl) or c ld (hl),a add hl,de djnz V_Black_Line xor a retV_XORed_Line: ld a,(hl) xor c ld (hl),a add hl,de djnz V_XORed_Line retGetpix: ld d,0 ld h,d ld l,e add hl,de add hl,de add hl,hl add hl,hl ld de,plotsscreen add hl,deGetbit: ld b,0 ld c,a and %00000111 srl c srl c srl c add hl,bc ld b,a inc b ld a,%00000001GBLoop: rrca djnz GBLoop ret
DrawRectToGraph: ld hl,9340h;===============================================================DrawRectToBuffer:DrawRect:;===============================================================;Inputs:; A is the type of rectangle to draw; 0 =White; 1 =Black; 2 =XOR; 3 =Black border; 4 =White border; 5 =XOR border; 6 =Black border, white inside; 7 =Black border, XOR inside; 8 =White border, black inside; 9 =White border, XOR inside; 10=Shift Up; 11=Shift Down;;; 14=pxlTestRect (returns the number of on pixels in the rectangular region); 15=pxlTestBorder (returns the number of on pixels on the border, good for collision detection); B is the height; C is the Y pixel coordinate; D is the width in pixels; E is is the X pixel coordinate;=============================================================== di push hl pop ix ex af,af';Check if coords are negative ld a,c or a jp p,$+9 add a,b ret nc ret z ld b,a ld c,0 ld a,e or a jp p,$+9 add a,d ret nc ret z ld d,a ld e,0;Check dimensions ld a,b or a ret z jp p,$+6 neg ld b,a add a,c sub 64 jr c,$+6 neg add a,b ld b,a ld a,d or a ret z jp p,$+6 neg ld d,a add a,e sub 96 jr c,$+6 neg add a,d ld d,a ld a,c cp 64 ret nc ld a,e cp 96 ret ncMakePattern: push bc ld hl,RectData ld b,24 xor a ld (hl),a inc l djnz $-2 ld hl,RectData ld c,RectData+12 ld a,e sub 8 jr c,$+6 inc l inc c jr $-6 add a,8 ld e,a ld b,a inc b ld a,d add a,e ld e,a ld a,1 rrca djnz $-1 ld b,l push af ld l,c or (hl) ld (hl),a ld l,b pop af dec a scf adc a,a ld (hl),a ld a,e sub 8 jr c,$+10 jr z,$+10 inc l ld (hl),-1 inc c jr $-10 add a,8 ld b,a or a ld a,1 jr z,$+5 rrca djnz $-1 ld b,l push af ld l,c or (hl) ld (hl),a ld l,b pop af dec a cpl and (hl) ld (hl),a pop bc ld a,b ld b,0 ld h,b ld l,c add hl,hl add hl,bc add hl,hl add hl,hl push ix pop bc add hl,bc ld b,a ex af,af' .db $CB,$67,$28,$10,$D6,$10,$F5,$0E,$18,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$2F,$12,$13,$0D,$20,$F9,$F1 or a jr nz,$+13h .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$2F,$A6,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F7,$10,$F0,$C9 dec a jr nz,$+12h .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$B6,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$10,$F1,$C9 dec a jr nz,$+12h .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$AE,$77,$13,$23 .db $0D,$20,$F8,$10,$F1,$C9 dec a jr nz,$+26h .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$B6,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$05,$C8 .db $05,$28,$0F,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData+12 .db $1A,$B6,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$10,$F1,$04,$18,$DC dec a jr nz,$+28h .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$A6,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F7,$05,$C8,$05,$28,$10,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData+12 .db $1A,$A6,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F7,$10,$F0,$04,$18,$DA dec a jr nz,$+26h .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$AE .db $77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$05,$C8,$05,$28,$0F,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData+12 .db $1A,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8 .db $10,$F1,$04,$18,$DC dec a jr nz,$+36h .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$B6,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$05,$C8,$05 .db $28,$1F,$E5,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$A6,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F7,$E1,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData+12 .db $1A .db $B6,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$10,$E1,$04,$18,$CC .db $3D,$20,$33,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$B6,$77,$13 .db $23,$0D,$20,$F8,$05,$C8,$05,$28,$1E,$E5,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$E1 .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData+12 .db $1A,$B6,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$10,$E2,$04,$18,$CD,$3D,$20,$34,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$A6,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F7,$05,$C8,$05,$28,$1E,$E5,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$B6 .db $77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$E1,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData+12 .db $1A,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$10,$E2,$04,$18 .db $CC,$3D,$20,$35,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$A6,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F7,$05,$C8,$05,$28,$1F,$E5 .db $0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$AE,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F8,$E1,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData+12 .db $1A,$A6,$AE,$77,$13 .db $23,$0D,$20,$F7,$10,$E1,$04,$18,$CB,$3D,$20,$37,$05,$C8,$F3,$E5,$D9,$01,$0C,$00,$E1,$09,$D9,$0E .db $0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $D5,$D9,$D1,$D9,$1A,$2F,$A6,$D9,$47,$1A,$A6,$B0,$13,$23,$D9,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20 .db $EF,$10,$E4,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData .db $1A,$2F,$A6,$77,$13,$23,$0D,$20,$F7,$FB,$C9 .db $3D,$20,$40,$F3,$C5 .db $11,$0C,$00,$19,$10,$FD,$2B,$E5,$D9,$11,$F4,$FF,$E1,$19,$D9,$C1,$05,$C8,$0E,$0C,$11 .dw RectData+11 .db $D5 .db $D9,$D1,$D9,$1A,$2F,$A6,$D9,$47,$1A,$A6,$B0,$1B,$2B,$D9,$77,$1B,$2B,$0D,$20,$EF,$10,$E4,$0E,$0C .db $11 .dw RectData+11 .db $1A,$2F,$A6,$77,$1B,$2B,$0D,$20,$F7,$FB,$C9 dec a ret z dec a ret z exx ld de,0 ld c,8 exxPxlTestRect: dec a jr nz,PxlTestBorder ld c,12 ld de,RectDataPxlTstRectLoop: call PxlTestWithMask djnz PxlTstRectLoop-5 exx;DE contains the number of pixels retPxlTestBorder: dec a ret nz ld c,12 ld de,RectData call PxlTestWithMask dec b jr z,PxlTestBorder-4 dec b jr z,PxlTestBrdrEnd ld c,12 ld de,RectData+12PxlTstBrdrLoop: call PxlTestWithMask djnz PxlTstBrdrLoop-5PxlTestBrdrEnd: ld de,RectData ld c,12 call PxlTestWithMask exx;DE contains the number of on pixels retPxlTestWithMask: ld a,(de) and (hl) exx ld b,c add a,a jr nc,$+3 inc de jr z,$+4 djnz $-6 exx inc de inc hl dec c jr nz,PxlTestWithMask ret