Calculator Community => TI Calculators => ASM => Topic started by: adamac16 on November 11, 2010, 05:43:49 am
Im not sure this goes here, correct me if i chose the wrong place.
But I have finished Hot_Dog's tutorials and i think i am ready for Learn TI-83+ ASM in 28 days. But before i do that, i want to make a simple practice program. The thing is, I don't know where to start. Or how to begin.
Try making a program to manipulate and display text in different ways. They're simple, and you can do a lot of stuff :)
ive already got something in mind, but i dont know how to start it oncalc
ive already got something in mind, but i dont know how to start it oncalc
It might help us if you told us what you had in mind :)
its going to ask the user to press a number key, 1 through 9, then displays the number that they chose
Wouldn't you'd just get the keypress, then have the program run through a look up table and return the value from the table?
Start by displaying the text "Press a number", and using GetKey() to let the user press a key.
Wouldn't you'd just get the keypress, then have the program run through a look up table and return the value from the table?
That's too hard for beginners
well Kerm said it was for beginners. idk
Wouldn't you'd just get the keypress, then have the program run through a look up table and return the value from the table?
Remember this is after Hot_Dog's lessons, so that might be a bit advanced...
EDIT: Edit ninja'd by Hot_Dog and ninja'd by adamac16. I really shouldn't leave while posting :P
he probably thought that the lessons i read covered that or something. What do yall suggest i do?
Start by displaying the text "Press a number", and using GetKey() to let the user press a key.
Wouldn't you'd just get the keypress, then have the program run through a look up table and return the value from the table?
That's too hard for beginners
Oh, okay. I haven't looked through your tutorials as fully as I'd like, so I'm not sure what they contain. I know lookup tables come pretty early (day 11 or 12) in 28 days.
By the way, how would you do it if you actually had to write such a routine Hot_Dog?
he probably thought that the lessons i read covered that or something. What do yall suggest i do?
Hot_Dog's suggestion. They're his tutorials, after all, so he'd know where your at after reading them :)
woah woah wait what?
im mixed up here.
i was talking about kerm, not Hot_Dog
By the way, how would you do it if you actually had to write such a routine Hot_Dog?
If I were an absolute, absolute beginner, I would have 10 CPs, one for each key from 0-9. However, in this case, you can use GetKey, subtract 142 from register A (since the number keys are values from 142 to 151), and then put A into HL so that B_CALL _DispHL can be used.
woah woah wait what?
im mixed up here.
i was talking about kerm, not Hot_Dog
I know, I just suggested you try Hot_Dog's suggestion.
Start by displaying the text "Press a number", and using GetKey() to let the user press a key.
Wouldn't you'd just get the keypress, then have the program run through a look up table and return the value from the table?
That's too hard for beginners
so do i do that for every number? or just once?
Start by displaying the text "Press a number", and using GetKey() to let the user press a key.
Wouldn't you'd just get the keypress, then have the program run through a look up table and return the value from the table?
That's too hard for beginners
so do i do that for every number? or just once?
Whatever number the user presses. Try it.
Start by displaying the text "Press a number", and using GetKey() to let the user press a key.
Wouldn't you'd just get the keypress, then have the program run through a look up table and return the value from the table?
That's too hard for beginners
so do i do that for every number? or just once?
Whatever number the user presses. Try it.
display what?
Start by displaying the text "Press a number", and using GetKey() to let the user press a key.
Wouldn't you'd just get the keypress, then have the program run through a look up table and return the value from the table?
That's too hard for beginners
so do i do that for every number? or just once?
What would you do if you were writing a Ti-Basic program? You would have a label to mark a loop. You ask a user to press a key, and you see if the key is a number. If it is, you display the number. If not, you get another key press.
For example:
Lbl KE
If K > ...and K < ...
Goto DI
Goto KE
Lbl DI:
Disp K
Try it now in terms of ASM
i know BASIC. and what do u mean?
He means you should try to make the program in ASM: the user presses a button, you give the key code.
He means you should try to make the program in ASM: the user presses a button, you give the key code.
Exactly. I felt that if you visualized it in Basic, you could better figure out how to start, how to end, and what your goals are