I was using DelMem inside a parser hook and directly after that, I tried finding the updated position of a program. For some reason, bcall(_CheckFindSym) returned the old pointer (even though I watched the program data get shifted down in Wabbit's debugger).
So does anybody have any insight as to why this is and how it can be fixed?
EDIT: The code:
ld hl,9652h ;This is the pointer to the name of a currently executing program
rst 20h ;Copies 9 bytes at HL to OP1
bcall(_CheckFindSym) ;
inc de \ inc de
ld hl,(965Bh) ;start of the currently executing program
ld (965Bh),de
ex de,hl
sbc hl,de
ld de,(progPtr) ;a pointer inside the program
add hl,de
ld (progPtr),hl
EDIT2: Problem fixed