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b_call _GetCSC CP skDel JP Z, Label
LD A, %10111111 OUT (1), A ld b,%11101101 IN A, (1) CP %11101111 JP Z, presyequ CP %11110111 JP Z, preswindow CP %11111011 JP Z, preszoom CP %11111101 JP Z, prestrace CP %11111110 JP Z, presgraph
b_call _GetCSC CP skDel JP Z, Label LD A, %10111111 OUT (1), A ld b,%11101101 IN A, (1) CP %11101111 JP Z, presyequ CP %11110111 JP Z, preswindow CP %11111011 JP Z, preszoom CP %11111101 JP Z, prestrace CP %11111110 JP Z, presgraph
LD A, %10111111 OUT (1), A ld b,%11101101 IN A, (1) CP %11101111 JP Z, presyequ CP %11110111 JP Z, preswindow CP %11111011 JP Z, preszoom CP %11111101 JP Z, prestrace CP %11111110 JP Z, presgraph CP %11111111 JP Z, Label
ld a, %10111111 out (01), a nop nop in a, (01) bit 0, a call z, graphPressed ;you must make sure that these do not destroy A bit 1, a call z, tracePressed bit 2, a call z, zoomPressed bit 3, a call z, windowPressed bit 4, a call z, yEquPressed bit 7, a call z, delPressed jr buttonsDonegraphPressed: push af;blah;blah;blah pop af ret
This would take care of quite a bit of the hassles you are having. Plus, it completely eliminates the GetCSC.
LD A, %10111111 OUT (1), A ld b,%11101101 IN A, (1) CP %11111111 JP Z, Label
It will probably fix the weird DEL thingy, but that is probably more of what you are doing when you see that DEL is being pressed.
in a,($04)bit 3,ajr z,ON_pressed