That has been helpful! I keep forgetting about TI-Freakware and that has often been the place to go for info like this! I will probably need to locate an include file so that I can look at addresses and whatnot, though. By the way, I am trying to convert Grammer, if that helps.
EDIT:Here is a list of the bcalls used in Grammer:
bcall(_RclAns) ;Used at the begining.
bcall(_ChkFindSym) ;Used twice
bcall(4594h) ;used to convert a token to ASCII
As a note, bcall is the only rst used, too. So this means it shouldn't be too hard to convert, right? No bcalls are used to read FP numbers, display text, play with the LCD or anything else. I can easily make a routine to replace _ChkFindSym and _RclAns, but the last one is the one that I might have difficulty with as I don't know anything about it