Author Topic: HEX Asm on TI-83+  (Read 5652 times)

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Offline J_Walker87

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HEX Asm on TI-83+
« on: February 26, 2021, 11:05:34 pm »
Whenever I open an ASM tutorial in hopes of learning it, it always seems to require that you have access to a computer to program your calculator with. I want to learn ASM, but it is difficult for me to use a computer to program my calculator with, so please don't say I need to do that (I also don't want to use Axe or Grammer). I know that the TI-83+ of mine has ASM capabilities built in, but its all in HEX. I've typed in some routines in HEX written by others in the past, but never a program/routine of my own. My Question: Is there a tutorial on how to code in ASM on-calc for the TI-83+?

Offline annoyingcalc

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Re: HEX Asm on TI-83+
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2021, 11:10:42 pm »
calc84maniac's "OTBP Assembler" will let you write more traditional assembly code (non-HEX) on calculator.
Check it out here.

In terms of a tutorial specifically for writing hex assembly, if you know how to write assembly, it is very simple.
Use some z80 reference manual which has information on how z80 instructions get encoded into bytes. Then, you could write out your instructions on a piece of paper for example, and convert them to hex by hand. I would highly recommend using an on-calculator assembler like the one I linked above instead though.

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Offline E37

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Re: HEX Asm on TI-83+
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2021, 11:37:26 am »
Mimas is another option. Mimas should let you type out any code from a tutorial in almost the same format as on a pc. It supports a most of the features that you would get from writing asm on a pc and comes with a very nice small font IDE. Its only downsides are that you can only copy-paste one line at a time and it is missing the declarations for the more obscure B_CALLS and other less-used definitions. (you can still use them, you just have to type in the hex) It supports converting back and forth from asm files on your pc to the on-calc version as well in case you want to import some routines or share your code. All in all, it is surprisingly powerful and feature-complete.

Edit: I know you said you didn't want to use Axe, but if you decide on directly typing in hex Axe supports inline hex, comments and constants. You can declare constants and labels and use them in your hex to make it a little more readable. It can be used as a more flexible version of the 83's built in AsmPrgm( command. I would assume Grammar can be used in a similar way.

I would also recommend some kind of shell for running your program / letting you keep your source files in archive. zStart is my favorite. DoorsCS7 is a great shell but it uses a lot of archive space on the 83's limited storage.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 11:49:31 am by E37 »
I'm still around... kind of.

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Re: HEX Asm on TI-83+
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2021, 11:58:54 am »
I was gonna suggest what E37 said. Mimas is amazing. I used it to learn assembly. I've actually been working on making my own on-calc assembler. Mimas can use a keyboard as well. There are some special instructions in mimas that you won't find in the tutorials but they are pretty easy to figure out. There is a manual on it somewhere.
Grammer2 is Good!

Offline annoyingcalc

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Re: HEX Asm on TI-83+
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2021, 09:05:25 pm »
Never heard of Mimas, but judging by what I see just taking a look, it looks much better than OTBP Assembler, which I recommended in my above post.

If I still wrote code on the calculator itself, I might try it out. I liked Axe because I could write it on-calculator.

I must admit, this thread makes me somewhat happy that there are still people who write code on calculators themselves, not the computer, because it reminds me of a time when I did the same thing. I only wrote calculator games in school/class.
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Offline the_mad_joob

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Re: HEX Asm on TI-83+
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2021, 11:00:03 pm »
There is also asmdream.
It's not exactly a convenient solution though, since it parses tokens (sources & includes are unprotected programs, and the TI-OS program editor is what it is).
However, if you're looking for macro support, you might have a use for it.

I must admit, this thread makes me somewhat happy that there are still people who write code on calculators themselves, not the computer, because it reminds me of a time when I did the same thing. I only wrote calculator games in school/class.
It was a true art not to get caught by some teachers, especially in non-scientific classes.
Fun memories from earth...

Offline annoyingcalc

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Re: HEX Asm on TI-83+
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2021, 11:12:18 pm »
I must admit, this thread makes me somewhat happy that there are still people who write code on calculators themselves, not the computer, because it reminds me of a time when I did the same thing. I only wrote calculator games in school/class.
It was a true art not to get caught by some teachers, especially in non-scientific classes.
Fun memories from earth...

Well... I was a decentish student, and I tried to get on teachers good sides. I just figured out which classes the teachers were more lenient on and did it there.
In college it became clear I had to pay full attention though. That's actually why I stopped being involved with calculator programming.
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Offline J_Walker87

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Re: HEX Asm on TI-83+
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2021, 06:21:33 pm »
This is all very helpful to me, thanks. I'll try and follow these suggestions. Also, I'm new to this forum. I'm a TI-Basic programmer and recently created an account here because the TI-Basic Dev Wiki doesn't have many Asm programmers. Thanks for the responses you gave.  :)

Also, about Mimas, it's no down side to me that it only has one line copy-and-paste ability. I'm used to having no copy and paste ability on my ti 83+!  :)

Also, CalcNerd, a youtuber who posts tutorials about how to make ti basic games, recently posted one of my ti basic programs, Maze. If you're interested, check it out. It's in ti basic and is just a maze generator with a pixel you can move to the end, but it is about the shortest decent program I've ever made in ti basic, which I did on purpose so that people could type it in. And, in my opinion, the community of those who type in programs on their calculators is alive and well, just not as much for pure Asm.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 06:56:49 pm by J_Walker87 »