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;===============================================================AP_Mul_AP:;===============================================================;Inputs:; HL points to the first number (little-endian, size prefix 2 bytes); DE points to the second number (little-endian, size prefix 2 bytes); BC points to the output location;Output:; The RAM at HL contains the product (little-endian with; size prefix). Size is adjusted so there won't be zeroes; at the end.;Notes:; This will erase bytes of RAM at (HL) equal to the; size of the first number plus the size of the second.; So if you use saveSScreen:; First number uses 2+M bytes; Second number uses 2+N bytes; Output number uses 2+M+N bytes; At most, 2+N+2+M+2+M+N=768.; 2+N+2+M+2+M+N = 768; 6+2M+2N = 768; 2(M+N) = 762; M+N = 381; In otherwords, you can multiply two, 190 byte numbers. In; Decimal, this comes out to roughly two 457 digit numbers; to get up to 915 digit number. It requires 14952 bytes of; RAM to use two numbers >9000 digits;=============================================================== di;First, we get the size ld (output),bc ;4 bytes, save the output location ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl ld (Num1Loc),hl ;3 bytes, save the location of the first number ld (Num1Size),bc ;4 bytes, save the size ex de,hl ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) add hl,de ld (Num2Loc),hl ;3 bytes, save the location ld (Num2Size),de ;4 bytes, save the size ex de,hl add hl,bc ;size of the output RAM;Now we clear out the bytes for the output ld b,h ld c,l ld hl,(output) ld (hl),c inc hl ld (hl),b inc hl ld (output),hl ld (Num3Size),bc xor a ld (hl),a cpi jp pe,$-3;Now we start multiplying stuff;We need to do:; hl=(Num2Loc); de=(Num1Loc); ix=(output); bc=(Num2Size);(hl)_Times_(de)_To_(ix) exx ld bc,(Num3Size) exx ld bc,(Num2Size); ld hl,(Num2Loc) ex de,hlLoop1: push bc ld b,8Loop2:;===============================================================; rl (output);=============================================================== exx ld hl,(output) ld d,b ld e,c dec de inc d inc e or a rl (hl) inc hl dec e jr nz,$-4 dec d jr nz,$-7 exx;=============================================================== rlc (hl) jr nc,NoAdd;add (output),(Num1Loc) exx ld de,(Num1Loc) push bc ld bc,(Num1Size) dec bc inc c inc b ld hl,(output) or aAddLoop: ld a,(de) adc a,(hl) ld (hl),a inc hl inc de dec c jr nz,AddLoop dec b jr nz,AddLoop jr nc,$+3 inc (hl) pop bc exxNoAdd: djnz Loop2 pop bc cpd jp pe,Loop1 ld hl,(output) ld bc,(Num3Size) add hl,bc dec hl inc bc xor a cpd jp po,$+5 jr z,$-5 ld hl,(output) dec hl ld (hl),b dec hl ld (hl),c ret