Author Topic: How to easely convert .bmp to a binary 'picture' so it can be used in a script?  (Read 5382 times)

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Offline Jerros

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Might need to explain what I mean here;
what's a conveniet way to create big 'pictures' for a programm?
This is what we want in the case of a full 96x64 pic:
Code: [Select]
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But after designing a screen of some sort, is there an easy way to quickly turn a .bmp file or something into something suitable for programming use, like the above example? I'm getting tired of manually typing this shit, it's a monk's job!

Thanks in advance!

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Offline JosJuice

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I believe SourceCoder can convert .bmps to binary data and/or hex.

Offline calc84maniac

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If you are using SPASM, you can import a .bmp directly by using #include "filename.bmp"
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Offline KermMartian

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I believe SourceCoder can convert .bmps to binary data and/or hex.
SourceCoder 2.5 can indeed convert images into .8xi format as well as binary format for ASM, BASIC, and Axe in monochrome and 3- and 4-level grayscale.


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^ that's what I use many times to convert my ms-paint sprites to hex.

Offline Deep Toaster

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Much longer discussion here:

Basically, yeah, use SourceCoder. It shows whatever formats you need :) And 8xi's.

Offline Jerros

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Wow, thanks y'all! That should definitely save me some time. =^_^=

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