Author Topic: Interrupt routine not executing  (Read 5303 times)

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Offline Hot_Dog

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Interrupt routine not executing
« on: July 02, 2010, 07:34:35 am »
I have included the code below for an interrupt routine I wrote, as well as the code for setting it up.  The interrupt routine executes only once, and then Context_Sensitive_Get_Key, which uses ports, occurs indefinitely without a single timer interrupt.  I would appreciate help on how to get this to work.  However, I'm currently experimenting, so please do not offer suggestions about my code below besides getting the interrupt routine working--I'm afraid I will be annoyed at any suggestions that do not involve getting the interrupts working.  

Oh, and DrawMapFull has nothing to do with it.  

Code: [Select]


;Timing in the game, including "forcing" FPS depending
;on what speed we want, is done via interrupts.
;This is to achieve a consistant speed.
;So we need to load interrupt information.

ld hl, Play_One_SAD_Frame
ld de, $9A9A
ld bc, End_SAD_Frame - Play_One_SAD_Frame

ld a, $99
ld i, a

    LD     HL, $9900
    LD     DE, $9901
    LD     BC, 256
ld A, $9a
    LD     ($9900), A

;This is where the game is loaded.  Thus this code is run only once.

xor a ;Start with 0 buildings.
ld (BuildingCount), a

;The game requires user RAM.

ld hl,21000
ld de,$9d95

;Savescreen is used for saving data involving maps.  Thus, we need to disable
;the APD so that the data will not be corrupted.

RES apdAble,(IY+apdFlags)

;Structure_Locations holds the locations of all buildings that could possibly exit,
;up to 200.  Four bytes for each building: TileX, TileY, 6 bits for the building's
;ID, and 10 bits for the buildings HP.

Structure_Locations .equ $9D95 + 17500

;The Map Data, containing the tiles in tilemap form.  Maps can be no bigger than
;3600 bytes, but a 3600 byte map requires 900 bytes for fog-of-war and collision
;information.  Therefore, 4500 bytes is needed in this area.

MapData .equ $9D95 + 5000

;Tile Data.  Requires 8000 bytes.

TileData .equ $9D95 + 9500

;To optimize the drawing of structures


; B_CALL _Load_Sprite_Data
B_CALL _Load_Map_Data
B_CALL _Load_Tile_Data

ld hl,2
ld (delta),hl
ld (DeltaPreserve), hl
ld a,1
ld (Num_Layers),a
xor a
ld h,a
ld a,(mapdata)
ld l,a
ld (mapheight),hl
ld a,(mapdata+1)
ld l,a
ld (Mapwidth),hl
ld hl,0
ld (MapY),hl
ld (MapX),hl
ld hl,TileData
ld (Tileptr),hl
ld hl,MapData+2
ld (MAPptr),hl
ld hl,Mapbuf1
ld (MapbufPtr),hl
ld hl,premap
ld (PreMapPTR),hl

IM 2


call DrawMapFull


call Context_Sensitive_Get_Key

jr Loop


;For those ASM experts out there, it sure looks like I'm making this
;interrupt routine too long with all the subroutines that are running.
;However, by including an interrupt counter and running certain subs only
;when it reaches a maximum, I can achieve a consistent frame rate and
;ensure that the interrupt routine doesn't call itself in the middle of itself.


ld a, (Interrupt_Counter)

;cp Twenty_Frames_Per_Second
;jr z, SAD_Frame
inc a
ld (Interrupt_Counter), a
ld h, 0
ld l, a





xor a
ld (Interrupt_Counter), a

call DrawMapFull ;Only if the map doesn't need to be fully drawn.

ld a,(MapY)
and tile_width*8-1
ld h,a
ld e,PMAPWIDTH*Tile_width
call HxE

ld de,mapbuf1
add hl,de

ld de, plotsscreen
ld bc, 768

BIT MenuMode, (IY + flag)
call nz, Draw_Menu

BIT Cursor_Mode, (IY + flag)
call nz, Draw_Select_Cursor

call Continue_Building_Construction

ld hl, plotsscreen
call safecopy



EDIT: It just seems that the interrupt only runs once, even before Context_Sensitive_Get_Key starts.  I tried placing a whole bunch of "HALT" routines immediately following the "ei", and the debugger says the calculator just stays there, as if interrupts have been disabled.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 11:33:54 am by Hot_Dog »

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Re: Interrupt routine not executing
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 12:21:34 pm »
You have to reset the interrupt timer at the end of your interrupt routine so it can start triggering again.

Right where your "Exit_Interrupt_Routine:" is you should insert the following code:
Code: [Select]
ld a,%00001000
out (3),a
ld a,%00001010
out (3),a

Also, if your interrupt code is longer or close to the frequency of an interrupt, you'll want to disable interrupts for the routine and then re-enable them on exit.
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Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: Interrupt routine not executing
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2010, 02:39:29 pm »
Thanks Quigibo and Iambian, I now have everything working.  I also shortened my routine so that it wouldn't be longer than the frequency.