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My 84+ SE gave 21845, 21845, 21845, 21845
Happy to run whatever you need to test
Quote from: Eeems on October 01, 2020, 12:34:42 pmHappy to run whatever you need to test Cool.This first program checks delays up to +16 cycles from what i originally posted, and only between IN A,($10) and IN A,($02) for now.I hope that will be enough.If everything goes well, you should get numbers in the form (2^n)-1.
65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
Quote from: Eeems on October 02, 2020, 09:41:56 am65535, 65535, 65535, 65535Thanks.Those numbers mean that your port $02 uses exactly 1 more clock cycle for its delays, which sounds weird, but isn't impossible.EEEMS3.8xp should confirm it anyway (basically my original program but with +1 cycle on all 64 checks).
65535, 30583, 65535, 65535
Quote from: Eeems on October 02, 2020, 11:43:57 am65535, 30583, 65535, 65535Those numbers suck, because they contradict the ones you got earlier =[I mean, they are the numbers you're supposed to get if you got four 21845 on P2FTEST, but definitely not if you got four 0 from it.Could you please (re-)run P2FTEST1 just in case ?It now includes a check that kicks you if port $2A is unusual, which actually could have been the case if ALCDFIX was installed when you tested P2FTEST, and if you performed a RAM clear before testing EEEMS1.
I reran P2FTEST1 and I'm now getting 21845, 21845, 21845, 21845.
After launching DCS7 and then running it again I'm getting 0, 0, 0, 0 in both P2FTEST1 and EEEMS3.EEEMS2 now returns 32767, 255, 7, 0
.nolist.org $9D93#include "ti83plus.inc".list;#################################### DATA #####################################.db t2bytetok,tasmcmp;##### di in a,($02) rla ret nc ; TI-83+ in a,($21) and %00000010 ret nz ; TI-84+CSE in a,($2A) or %00000011 cp $27 ret nz ; port $2A unusual in a,($2E) or %00000001 cp $45 ret nz ; port $2E unusual ld a,(currow) ld (textshadcur),a res apptextsave,(iy+appflags) call keybclear bcall(_clrlcdfull) di ld hl,$0000 ld (currow),hl;Everything before this isn't exactly relevant. in a,($2F) ld c,a and %11111100 out ($2F),a ld a,$01 ld b,0 djnz $ out ($20),a;16+ CC required here to avoid _putmap to enter endless loop in a,($02) rra and %00000001 add a,'0' ld b,a ld a,c out ($2F),a ld a,b bcall(_putmap);Everything after this isn't exactly relevant. di xor a ld b,%00001000 out ($01),await_key_pressed in a,($01) inc a jr nz,key_pressed in a,($04) and b jp nz,wait_key_pressedkey_pressed xor a ld (kbdscancode),a res oninterrupt,(iy+onflags) set apptextsave,(iy+appflags) call keybclear_wait_keys_released bit 5,(iy+$44) jr nz,restore_mathprint ld a,(flags+sgrflags) rra jp nc,restore_textshadow bcall(_grbufcpy) direstore_textshadow bcall(_rstrshadow) di retrestore_mathprint ld a,$03 ld b,64 ld hl,$DA7E out ($05),a bcall(_restoredisp) di xor a out ($05),a ret;keybclear;DESCRIPTION;Waits until the keyboard is clear from any press.;Includes a debouncing delay.;IN;interrupts : disabled;OUT;keyboard : all groups monitored;a = ?;f = %???????0;bc = $0000;stack : 2 bytes (call included)keybclear xor a ld b,%00001000 out ($01),akeybclear_wait_keys_released in a,($01) inc a jp nz,keybclear_wait_keys_releasedkeybclear_wait_on_released in a,($04) and b jp z,keybclear_wait_on_released in a,($02) ld bc,96 rla jr nc,keybclear_wait_bouncing in a,($20) or a jr z,keybclear_wait_bouncing ld c,240keybclear_wait_bouncing djnz keybclear_wait_bouncing dec c jp nz,keybclear_wait_bouncing ret;###############################################################################.end