Author Topic: Please help: post an X-Link appvar  (Read 3117 times)

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Please help: post an X-Link appvar
« on: October 28, 2010, 08:38:03 pm »
So, I'm working on a calculator project that is designed to expand X-Link's functionality. I have made a computer program to package TI-8x programs in TI-89 variable format, and am making a z80 assembly program to convert the appvar produced by X-Link into a program..

But,here's the problem: I don't have the hardware currently to test this (broken link port, remember...). I talked to BrandonW on #ti about this already; he can't quite remember how X-Link saves data; he thinks it consists of the ;ink protocol packets (for sending back to the calc that sent it).

What would be very helpful, though, is an X-Linked appvar to test with. So, if anyone has the hardware, I would greatly appreciate it if you could:

1. Take a variable on a TI-89 (preferably a simple variable; like a number or string) and use X-Link to send it to a TI-83+/84.
2. Use your favourite linking software to send the X-Linked appvar on the 83+/84+ to a computer
3. Post the resulting file here

The userbars in my sig are links embedded links.

And in addition to calculator (and Python!) stuff, I mod Civilization 4 (frequently with Python).