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;Put the (binary) contents of this in appvOFFSCRPT.org $8001 ld hl, name RST rMov9ToOP1 B_CALL ChkFindSym ret c B_CALL DelVar retname: db StrngObj, tVarStrng, tStr0, 0, 0
;offscript.asm;compile with ./spasm -I inc -T offscript.asm OFFSCRPT.8xv;or spasm.exe -I inc -T offscript.asm OFFSCRPT.8xv if you are on windows;This deletes the letter variable 'A' but all you have to do is change the letter below and compile if you want a different one#include "ti83plus.inc".org $8001 ld hl, name RST rMov9ToOP1 B_CALL _ChkFindSym ret c B_CALL _DelVar retname: .db RealObj, 'A', 0, 0 ;you can change 'A' to any other letter you want (make sure it is uppercase) to delete that letter instead .db 0
;set_iy.asm;compile with ./spasm -T set_iy.asm SETIY.8xv //You are free to rename this program to whatever you want either here or on calc;or spasm.exe -I inc -T set_iy.asm SETIY.8xv if you are on windows;All this does is set a single bit to true. If that bit is false, the OS won't run offscript even if it exists .db $BB, $6D set 1, (iy+33h) ;sets bit 1 of iy+33h to indicate that there is an offscript installed
but isn't that already compiled?
if so than how can i change A to W and recompile it, ect
also it seems your commands for spasm are different than the commands listed by spasm, is there multiple versions of spasm?
but uhh, your assembly code causes an immediate crash, unless it requires the offscript to be there i think theres a mistake in it
not gonna lie, i have just been fighting trying to get spasm to work. building it doesn't work, and the prebuilts aren't working either.like does it no work on windows anymore? I don't get it. its outdated and not updating throws errors, and updating it throws errors