Author Topic: Texture drawing  (Read 36657 times)

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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #75 on: July 28, 2011, 06:31:46 pm »
I've just rewritten the routine, but it doesn't draw anything. Not a single pixel :( .
What am I doing wrong?
Spoiler For the code:
;in: x1, y1, u1, v1, x2, y2, u2, v2, x3, y3, u3, v3, x4, y4, u4, v4
;out: textured quad is drawn to the buffer
  ld a, (x1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (x2)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y2)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (dx1), hl
  ld a, (x1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (x3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (dx2), hl
  ld a, (x2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (x4)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y4)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (dx3), hl
  ld a, (x3)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (x4)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y3)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y4)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (dx4), hl
  ld a, (u1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (u2)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y2)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (du1), hl
  ld a, (u1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (u3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (du2), hl
  ld a, (u2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (u4)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y4)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (du3), hl
  ld a, (u3)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (u4)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y3)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y4)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (du4), hl
  ld a, (v1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (v2)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y2)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (dv1), hl
  ld a, (v1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (v3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (dv2), hl
  ld a, (v2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (v4)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y4)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (dv3), hl
  ld a, (v3)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (v4)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  push hl
  ld a, (y3)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y4)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  pop hl
  call divFP
  ld (dv4), hl
  ld a, (x1)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld (tx1), hl
  ld (tx2), hl
  ld a, (u1)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld (tu1), hl
  ld (tu2), hl
  ld a, (v1)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld (tv1), hl
  ld (tv2), hl
  ld a, (y1)
  ld (ty), a

;TODO: plot first line

  ld a, (y1)
  inc a
  ld (ty), a

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld de, (dx1)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx1), hl
  ld hl, (tu1)
  ld de, (du1)
  add hl, de
  ld (tu1), hl
  ld hl, (tv1)
  ld de, (dv1)
  add hl, de
  ld (tv1), hl
  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld de, (dx2)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx2), hl
  ld hl, (tu2)
  ld de, (du2)
  add hl, de
  ld (tu2), hl
  ld hl, (tv2)
  ld de, (dv2)
  add hl, de
  ld (tv2), hl

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld (temp), hl      ;x = temp

  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld de, (tx1)
  push hl
  ld hl, (temp)
  ld de, (tx1)
  pop de
  call DivFP
  ld (temp2), hl   ;T = temp2
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu1)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu2)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3), a      ;u = temp3
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv1)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv2)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3+1), a      ;v = temp3+1
;Get the pixel at (u,v) from the texture
  ld   hl, (temp3+1)
  ld   h, 0

  ld   de, texture
  add   hl, de

  ld   a, (temp3)
  ld   b, a
  inc   b
  ld a, (hl)
  rl   c
  djnz   shiftLoop1

  push af
  ld a, (ty)
  ld l, a
  ld de, (temp)
  ld a, d
  call GetPixel
  ld h, a
  pop af
  ld a, h
  jr c, setPixel1

  and (hl)
  ld (hl), a
  jr EndPlot1

  or (hl)
  ld (hl), a

  ld hl, (temp)
  ld de, (tx2)
  inc h
  ld (temp), hl
  ld b, h
  ld a, d
  cp b
  jp nc, QuadPlotLoop1

  ld hl, ty
  inc (hl)
  ld a, (y2)
  cp (hl)
  jp nc, QuadDrawLoop1

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld de, (dx3)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx1), hl
  ld hl, (tu1)
  ld de, (du3)
  add hl, de
  ld (tu1), hl
  ld hl, (tv1)
  ld de, (dv3)
  add hl, de
  ld (tv1), hl
  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld de, (dx2)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx2), hl
  ld hl, (tu2)
  ld de, (du2)
  add hl, de
  ld (tu2), hl
  ld hl, (tv2)
  ld de, (dv2)
  add hl, de
  ld (tv2), hl

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld (temp), hl      ;x = temp

  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld de, (tx1)
  push hl
  ld hl, (temp)
  ld de, (tx1)
  pop de
  call DivFP
  ld (temp2), hl   ;T = temp2
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu1)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu2)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3), a      ;u = temp3
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv1)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv2)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3+1), a      ;v = temp3+1
;Get the pixel at (u,v) from the texture
  ld   hl, (temp3+1)
  ld   h, 0

  ld   de, texture
  add   hl, de

  ld   a, (temp3)
  ld   b, a
  inc   b
  ld a, (hl)
  rl   c
  djnz   shiftLoop2

  push af
  ld a, (ty)
  ld l, a
  ld de, (temp)
  ld a, d
  call GetPixel
  ld h, a
  pop af
  ld a, h
  jr c, setPixel2

  and (hl)
  ld (hl), a
  jr EndPlot2

  or (hl)
  ld (hl), a

  ld hl, (temp)
  ld de, (tx2)
  inc h
  ld (temp), hl
  ld b, h
  ld a, d
  cp b
  jp nc, QuadPlotLoop2

  ld hl, ty
  inc (hl)
  ld a, (y3)
  cp (hl)
  jp nc, QuadDrawLoop2

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld de, (dx3)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx1), hl
  ld hl, (tu1)
  ld de, (du3)
  add hl, de
  ld (tu1), hl
  ld hl, (tv1)
  ld de, (dv3)
  add hl, de
  ld (tv1), hl
  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld de, (dx4)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx2), hl
  ld hl, (tu2)
  ld de, (du4)
  add hl, de
  ld (tu2), hl
  ld hl, (tv2)
  ld de, (dv4)
  add hl, de
  ld (tv2), hl

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld (temp), hl      ;x = temp

  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld de, (tx1)
  push hl
  ld hl, (temp)
  ld de, (tx1)
  pop de
  call DivFP
  ld (temp2), hl   ;T = temp2
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu1)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu2)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3), a      ;u = temp3
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv1)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv2)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3+1), a      ;v = temp3+1
;Get the pixel at (u,v) from the texture
  ld   hl, (temp3+1)
  ld   h, 0

  ld   de, texture
  add   hl, de

  ld   a, (temp3)
  ld   b, a
  inc   b
  ld a, (hl)
  rl   c
  djnz   shiftLoop3

  push af
  ld a, (ty)
  ld l, a
  ld de, (temp)
  ld a, d
  call GetPixel
  ld h, a
  pop af
  ld a, h
  jr c, setPixel3

  and (hl)
  ld (hl), a
  jr EndPlot3

  or (hl)
  ld (hl), a

  ld hl, (temp)
  ld de, (tx2)
  inc h
  ld (temp), hl
  ld b, h
  ld a, d
  cp b
  jp nc, QuadPlotLoop3

  ld hl, ty
  inc (hl)
  ld a, (y2)
  cp (hl)
  jp nc, QuadDrawLoop3


   ld   h, 0
   ld   d, h
   ld   e, l
   add   hl, hl
   add   hl, de
   add   hl, hl
   add   hl, hl
   ld   e, a
   srl   e
   srl   e
   srl   e
   add   hl, de
   ld   de, PlotSScreen
   add   hl, de
   and   7
   ld   b, a
   ld   a, $80
   ret   z
   djnz   $-1

Generated by the BBCode Converter (

EDIT: the code is now syntax highlighted to make it more readable.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 06:54:55 pm by ben_g »
My projects
 - The Lost Survivors (Unreal Engine) ACTIVE [GameCommandoSquad main project]
 - Oxo, with single-calc multiplayer and AI (axe) RELEASED (screenshot) (topic)
 - An android version of oxo (java)  ACTIVE
 - A 3D collision detection library (axe) RELEASED! (topic)(screenshot)(more recent screenshot)(screenshot of it being used in a tilemapper)
Spoiler For inactive:
- A first person shooter with a polygon-based 3d engine. (z80, will probably be recoded in axe using GLib) ON HOLD (screenshot)
 - A java MORPG. (pc) DEEP COMA(read more)(screenshot)
 - a minecraft game in axe DEAD (source code available)
 - a 3D racing game (axe) ON HOLD (outdated screenshot of asm version)

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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #76 on: August 04, 2011, 03:50:22 pm »
I've got goo news and bad news: the good news: I've got affine texture mapping to work on a computer. The bad news: I can't get it to work on a calc.
what am I doing wrong?
Everything works just the way it's supposed to.In the first step (TriangleDrawLoop1), it just draws black pixels,
and in the secound draw loop, nothing is drawn.
Spoiler For GML source code:
dx1 = (x2-x1)/(y2-y1)
dx2 = (x3-x2)/(y3-y2)
dx3 = (x3-x1)/(y3-y1)
du1 = (u2-u1)/(y2-y1)
du2 = (u3-u2)/(y3-y2)
du3 = (u3-u1)/(y3-y1)
dv1 = (v2-v1)/(y2-y1)
dv2 = (v3-v2)/(y3-y2)
dv3 = (v3-v1)/(y3-y1)

tx1 = x1
tx2 = x1
tu1 = u1
tu2 = u1
tv1 = v1
tv2 = v1

surf = surface_create(24,24)

for(ty = y1; ty < y2; ty += 1){
    for(tx = tx2; tx <= tx1; tx += 1){
            tmp = 0
            tmp = (tx - tx2)/(tx1-tx2)
    tx1 += dx1
    tx2 += dx3
    tu1 += du1
    tu2 += du3
    tv1 += dv1
    tv2 += dv3

for(ty = y2; ty <= y3; ty += 1){
    for(tx = tx2; tx <= tx1; tx += 1){
            tmp = 0
            tmp = (tx - tx2)/(tx1-tx2)
    tx1 += dx2
    tx2 += dx3
    tu1 += du2
    tu2 += du3
    tv1 += dv2
    tv2 += dv3

A surface is almost the same as a sprite.
Spoiler For z80 source:
  ld a, (x1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (x2)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y2)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (dx1), hl
  ld a, (x2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (x3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (dx2), hl
  ld a, (x1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (x3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (dx3), hl
  ld a, (u1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (u2)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y2)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (du1), hl
  ld a, (u2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (u3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (du2), hl
  ld a, (u1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (u3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (du3), hl
  ld a, (v1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (v2)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y2)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (dv1), hl
  ld a, (v2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (v3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y2)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (dv2), hl
  ld a, (v1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (v3)
  sub b
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld a, (y1)
  ld b, a
  ld a, (y3)
  sub b
  ld d, a
  ld e, 0
  call DivFP
  ld (dv3), hl

  ld a, (x1)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld (tx1), hl
  ld (tx2), hl
  ld a, (u1)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld (tu1), hl
  ld (tu2), hl
  ld a, (v1)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld (tv1), hl
  ld (tv2), hl

  ld a, (y1)
  ld (_ty), a

  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld a, h
  ld (temp), a

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld de, (tx2)
  push hl
  ld a, (temp)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld de, (tx2)
  pop de
  call DivFP
  ld (temp2), hl   ;tmp = temp2
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu2)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu1)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3), a      ;u = temp3
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv2)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv1)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3+1), a   ;v = temp3+1

  ld a, (temp3+1)
  ld l, a
  ld h, 0

  ld de, texture
  add hl, de

  ld a, (temp3)
  ld b, a
  inc b
  ld a, (hl)
  ld c, a
  rl   c
  djnz   TshiftLoop1

  push af
  ld a, (_ty)
  ld l, a
  ld a, (temp)      ;tx = temp
  call GetPixel
  ld b, a
  pop af
  jr c, TSetPixel1

  ld a, b
  and (hl)
  ld (hl), a
  jr TEndPlot1

  ld a, b
  or (hl)
  ld (hl), a

  ld hl, temp
  inc (hl)
  ld a, (tx1+1)
  cp (hl)
  jp nc, TrianglePlotLoop1

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld de, (dx1)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx1), hl
  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld de, (dx3)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx2), hl

  ld hl, _ty
  inc (hl)
  ld a, (y2)
  cp (hl)
  jp nc, TriangleDrawLoop1

  ld a, (x2)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld (tx1), hl

  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld a, h
  ld (temp), a

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld de, (tx2)
  push hl
  ld a, (temp)
  ld h, a
  ld l, 0
  ld de, (tx2)
  pop de
  call DivFP
  ld (temp2), hl   ;tmp = temp2
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu2)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tu1)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3), a      ;u = temp3
  ld hl, $0100
  ld de, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv2)
  call MulFP
  push de
  ld hl, (temp2)
  ld bc, (tv1)
  call MulFP
  pop hl
  add hl, de
  ld a, h
  ld (temp3+1), a   ;v = temp3+1

  ld a, (temp3+1)
  ld l, a
  ld h, 0

  ld de, texture
  add hl, de

  ld a, (temp3)
  ld b, a
  inc b
  ld a, (hl)
  ld c, a
  rl   c
  djnz   TshiftLoop2

  push af
  ld a, (_ty)
  ld l, a
  ld a, (temp)      ;tx = temp
  call GetPixel
  ld b, a
  pop af
  jr c, TSetPixel2

  ld a, b
  and (hl)
  ld (hl), a
  jr TEndPlot2

  ld a, b
  or (hl)
  ld (hl), a

  ld hl, temp
  inc (hl)
  ld a, (tx1+1)
  cp (hl)
  jp nc, TrianglePlotLoop2

  ld hl, (tx1)
  ld de, (dx2)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx1), hl
  ld hl, (tx2)
  ld de, (dx3)
  add hl, de
  ld (tx2), hl

  ld hl, _ty
  inc (hl)
  ld a, (y2)
  cp (hl)
  jp nc, TriangleDrawLoop2


   ld   h, 0
   ld   d, h
   ld   e, l
   add   hl, hl
   add   hl, de
   add   hl, hl
   add   hl, hl
   ld   e, a
   srl   e
   srl   e
   srl   e
   add   hl, de
   ld   de, PlotSScreen
   add   hl, de
   and   7
   ld   b, a
   ld   a, $80
   ret   z
   djnz   $-1

Generated by the BBCode Converter (

What am i doing wrong?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 04:32:49 pm by ben_g »
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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #77 on: August 04, 2011, 09:54:12 pm »
did that basic to assembly source conversion thing work at all?
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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #78 on: August 05, 2011, 02:28:11 pm »
did that basic to assembly source conversion thing work at all?
nope, I haven't found any program that actually converts anything, so I've ported it manually, but i must have made a mistake, ass this is clearly not doing what it should do.

BTW: this routine draws the triangle from top to bottom, which means that the points needs to be in the right order, so does anybody knows a routine to sort the points based on their Y coordinate?
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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #79 on: August 06, 2011, 08:49:00 am »
BTW: this routine draws the triangle from top to bottom, which means that the points needs to be in the right order, so does anybody knows a routine to sort the points based on their Y coordinate?
I made a routine thst would work for this in Cube Droid, but that's in Axe so I guess it doesn't help.

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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #80 on: August 06, 2011, 03:05:29 pm »
Maybe it does help. If i know how it should be done, then i might be able to rewrite it in asm. And i need a good sorting algorithm for when i'm going to add z-ordering to the engine.

EDIT: I just found a mistake in my code, and now, the triangle is fully drawn, but still just solid black.

EDIT2: I just noticed an other mistake in the source, which made texture mapping impossible. This was not the full cause of the texture not being mapped, however, ass the routine is still drawing a solid black triangle.

EDIT3: Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the third mistake was caused by a very stupid mistake: I have a text file in the project folder named 'Routines.txt', in which all names of all routines in my app are written, with the arguments and the registers that they destroy. A while ago, i replaced the fixed-point multiplication routine, which had other arguments, so this problem was caused by an outdated routines file

EDIT4: it now draws only 1.29 triangles every second, but I'm optimizing it right now. The first thing I'll do is replace the fixed-point math for every pixel with a much simpler one, which only has to be calculated for each horizontal line. The rest of the line can then be calculated with a simple add command. An other optimization I'll try to add is calling getPixel only once for every scan line, instead of every pixel, then using a right rotation to get the mask.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 07:17:05 pm by ben_g »
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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #81 on: August 08, 2011, 07:47:30 pm »
I discovered an other problem: when i combine it wih my 3D engine, this happens:

For an instant, it's drawn correctely, then only a part is drawn

Does anyody knows what might be causing this?
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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #82 on: August 09, 2011, 08:25:11 am »
It seems like if it first draws everything and then deletes the other parts again.

maybe the program draws everything the first tim, but only draws a part of it again, it you toggle the camera!
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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #83 on: August 11, 2011, 02:17:09 pm »
The camera stays at the same position, and the arguments passed to the triangle drawing routine are always the same, so I wonder why it draws it correctly the first time, and only draws a part of it the other times.

BTW: by filling the graphic buffer every frame, I noticed that the rest of the triangle is drawn white, but it is still drawn.
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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #84 on: August 11, 2011, 04:48:06 pm »
Although I know it isn't working correctly right now, this is amazing!
I would never have the patience to debug/ create as much as you have.
I hope you find the errors, it seems like you kinda know where the code freaks out.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 04:48:28 pm by chattahippie »

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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #85 on: August 11, 2011, 06:17:38 pm »
Maybe there was something you forgot to reset - like a register that was zero the first time around but never got reset to zero in the second frame.

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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #86 on: August 11, 2011, 06:38:26 pm »
This is the start and loop code: I don't think anything is set or reset:
the 3D engine is passing the same arguments to it, so i guess the trianlge drawing routine itself couses it, most lickely in the texture handling code 'couse it's the texture that got messed up
Code: [Select]
  call ClearGbuf
  call fastCopy
  ld a, 64*3
  ld (direction), a
  in a,($02)
  sbc a, a
  out ($20), a

  ld hl, 0
  ld (x), hl
  ld hl, $0200
  ld (y), hl

  call ClearGBuf

  ld a, $FF
  ld (plotsscreen), a
  ld hl, plotsscreen
  ld de, plotsscreen+1
  ld bc, 767

  ld hl, (x)
  ld (xfrom), hl
  ld hl, (y)
  ld (yfrom), hl
  ld hl, 0
  ld (zfrom), hl
  ld (zto), hl
  ld a, 64
  ld b, a
  ld a, (direction)
  add a, b
  call SinA
  ld de, (x)
  add hl, de
  ld (xto), hl
  ld a, (direction)
  call SinA
  ld de, (y)
  add hl, de
  ld (yto), hl
  ld hl, $0100
  ld (zup), hl
  ld hl, 0
  ld (xup), hl
  ld (yup), hl
  call InitView

  ld hl, -256
  ld (xpoint), hl
  ld hl, 0
  ld (ypoint), hl
  ld hl, -$0100
  ld (zpoint), hl
  call C3DTo2D
  ld hl, (screenx)
  ld (screenx2), hl
  ld hl, (screeny)
  ld (screeny2), hl
  ld hl, 256
  ld (xpoint), hl
  ld hl, 0
  ld (ypoint), hl
  ld hl, -$0100
  ld (zpoint), hl
  call C3DTo2D
  ld hl, (screenx)
  ld (screenx3), hl
  ld hl, (screeny)
  ld (screeny3), hl
  ld hl, -256
  ld (xpoint), hl
  ld hl, 0
  ld (ypoint), hl
  ld hl, $0100
  ld (zpoint), hl
  call C3DTo2D

  ld a, (screenx)
  ld (x1), a
  ld a, (screeny)
  ld (y1), a
  ld a, 0
  ld (u1), a
  ld (v1), a
  ld a, (screenx2)
  ld (x2), a
  ld a, (screeny2)
  ld (y2), a
  ld a, 0
  ld (u2), a
  ld a, 8
  ld (v2), a
  ld a, (screenx3)
  ld (x3), a
  ld a, (screeny3)
  ld (y3), a
  ld a, 8
  ld (u1), a
  ld (v1), a

  call DrawTriangle

  call FastCopy
  ld a, $FE
  out (1), a
  in a, (1)
  bit 0, a
  call z, MoveBack
  bit 3, a
  call z, MoveForward
  bit 1, a
  call z, TurnLeft
  bit 2, a
  call z, TurnRight
  ld a, %11111101
  out ($01), a
  in a, ($01)
  bit 6, a
  jp z, Einde
  jp spelLus
  push af
  ld a, (direction)
  ld b, 64
  add a, b
  call SinA
  call NegHL
  ld de, $0A00
  call DivFP
  ld de, (X)
  add hl, de
  ld (X), hl
  ld a, (direction)
  call SinA
  call NegHL
  ld de, $0A00
  call DivFP
  ld de, (Y)
  add hl, de
  ld (Y), hl
  pop af
  push af
  ld a, (direction)
  ld b, 64
  add a, b
  call SinA
  ld de, $0A00
  call DivFP
  ld de, (X)
  add hl, de
  ld (X), hl
  ld a, (direction)
  call SinA
  ld de, $0A00
  call DivFP
  ld de, (Y)
  add hl, de
  ld (Y), hl
  pop af
  push af
  ld a, (direction)
  inc a
  ld (direction), a
  pop af
  ld a, (direction)
  dec a
  ld (direction), a
  ;Key port resetten
  ld a, $FF
  out ($01), a
  call ClearGbuf
  call fastCopy
  ld hl, 0
  ld (CurRow), hl
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 - A 3D collision detection library (axe) RELEASED! (topic)(screenshot)(more recent screenshot)(screenshot of it being used in a tilemapper)
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- A first person shooter with a polygon-based 3d engine. (z80, will probably be recoded in axe using GLib) ON HOLD (screenshot)
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 - a minecraft game in axe DEAD (source code available)
 - a 3D racing game (axe) ON HOLD (outdated screenshot of asm version)

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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #87 on: August 16, 2011, 05:04:00 pm »
I think I've solved all bugs.
here's a screenshot of my triangle drawing routine and 3D engine in action:

It now not only fully works, it's also way more optimised and now all of the fixed-point calculations only have to be done once every triangle instead of once every scan line (or every pixel in the first version).
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 05:07:26 pm by ben_g »
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 - Oxo, with single-calc multiplayer and AI (axe) RELEASED (screenshot) (topic)
 - An android version of oxo (java)  ACTIVE
 - A 3D collision detection library (axe) RELEASED! (topic)(screenshot)(more recent screenshot)(screenshot of it being used in a tilemapper)
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- A first person shooter with a polygon-based 3d engine. (z80, will probably be recoded in axe using GLib) ON HOLD (screenshot)
 - A java MORPG. (pc) DEEP COMA(read more)(screenshot)
 - a minecraft game in axe DEAD (source code available)
 - a 3D racing game (axe) ON HOLD (outdated screenshot of asm version)

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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #88 on: August 16, 2011, 05:05:23 pm »
That looks very nice, good job. Is this for some other project?

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Re: Texture drawing
« Reply #89 on: August 16, 2011, 05:12:29 pm »
That looks very nice, though it looks like there is a "seam" between the two triangles you are drawing. Is that intentional?