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Hi. I'm pretty sure that this question has already been asked, but I have not been able to find it (not even on wikiti).Which extra ram pages am I able to use on an 84+ SE with missing pages? Thanks for the answer.
Well, on these calculators each of the pages from $82 to $87 refer to the same 16KB of RAM, so you can use whichever one you want. Typically you'd use page $82 or page $83, since those are the unofficial "scratch pages" on the calculators that do have the extra RAM. Just watch out for the MathPrint data which is on page $83 (and all of the other "pages" on new calculators)
http://wikiti.brandonw.net/index.php?title=83Plus:OS:OS_2.53MP_Changes&#Memory (I wrote that btw)You'll notice that the command history fits very nicely into saveSScreen
"RAM page 3, 977Eh–9A7Dh -- previous entries. Destroying this causes crashes."Is there a way to destroy it that doesn't involve crashes?
Ah, okay. So, if I back that up, all of page $83 is usable?