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#define numFrames 6360#define fileName "/bwmov.bin",0 b_call(_RunIndicOff) ld hl,sName ld de,fileHandle u_call(uDOS_openFile) jp c,NoFileNextFrame: ld hl,fileHandle ld de,plotSScreen ld bc,768 u_call(uDOS_fileRead) jp c,FileReadError ld hl,768 sbc hl,bc ld a,l cp 0 jp nz,FileReadError ld a,h cp 0 jp nz,FileReadError b_call(_GrBufCpy) b_call(_GetCSC) cp skClear jp z,Exit ld de,(FramesLeft) dec de ld (FramesLeft),de ld a,e cp 0 jr nz,NextFrame ld a,d cp 0 jr nz,NextFrame jr ExitFramesLeft: ;not static.dw numFramessName:.db fileName
#define numFrames 6360#define fileName "/bwmov.bin",0 b_call(_RunIndicOff) ld hl,sName ld de,fileHandle u_call(uDOS_openFile) jp c,NoFileNextFrame: ld bc,fileHandle ld hl,(SeekPointer) ld de,(SeekPointer+2) push hl push de u_call(uDOS_fileSeek) pop de pop hl ld bc,768 add hl,bc jr nc,_noCarry inc de_noCarry: ld (SeekPointer),hl ld (SeekPointer+2),de ld hl,fileHandle ld de,plotSScreen ld bc,768 u_call(uDOS_fileRead) jp c,FileReadError ld hl,768 sbc hl,bc ld a,l cp 0 jp nz,FileReadError ld a,h cp 0 jp nz,FileReadError b_call(_GrBufCpy) b_call(_GetCSC) cp skClear jp z,Exit ld de,(FramesLeft) dec de ld (FramesLeft),de ld a,e cp 0 jr nz,NextFrame ld a,d cp 0 jr nz,NextFrame jr ExitSeekPointer: ;not static.dw 0,0FramesLeft: ;not static.dw numFramessName:.db fileName
So msd8x is just the interface (and it uses the extra RAM pages, which is why it doesn't work on newer 84+/SEs -- the MSD driver itself still works on those models).
It's sheer luck that it works on your newer 84+.When I find the time, I'll rework it to not use the extra RAM pages.usb8x itself is also long overdue for an update.
SirCmpwn: did 8 minutes kill you? well, let's get back on topic, shall we?
I would just reformat it as FAT
Quote from: quasi_Phthalo on Today at 08:08:06 PMSirCmpwn: did 8 minutes kill you? well, let's get back on topic, shall we?Excuse you?
SirCmpwn: did 8 minutes kill you? well, let's get back on topic, shall we?Brandon, I've relocated the file handle (and the USBDriverCall and the USBDriverBuf each) to some (isolated) memory inside the program where it couldn't possibly be corrupted accidentally, nor could they corrupt each other, but the same thing happened. Exact same garbage and everything, so I know it's not that.Am I missing some error checking?Is there a safe limit on the maximum number of bytes read at once?(oh, yes, side note, FAT32 would be helpful because WINDOWS DOESN'T LET YOU PARTITION REMOVABLE MEDIA!)
Yep, so we can mess around with Blue8x, like I've asked for several times