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Quote from: quasi_Phthalo on June 26, 2010, 08:08:06 pmSirCmpwn: did 8 minutes kill you? well, let's get back on topic, shall we?Excuse you?Also, FAT32 would be a nice feature, although I would just reformat it as FAT.
SirCmpwn: did 8 minutes kill you? well, let's get back on topic, shall we?
"FAT" in Windows is actually FAT16 (or it could be FAT12, Microsoft doesn't distinguish). FAT32 is FAT32.
Yep, so we can mess around with Blue8x, like I've asked for several times
#define numFrames 6360#define fileName "/bwmov.bin",0.org $9D95Initialize: xor a out (28h),a inc a out (20h),a call U_CALL_INIT jp c,NotInstalled ld hl,USBDriverBuf u_call(uDriverInit) ld hl,appBackUpScreen ld de,appBackUpScreen+256 u_call(uMSD_Initialize) jr nc,_success u_call(uHostKill) u_call(uDriverKill) b_call(_ClrLCDFull) b_call(_HomeUp) ld hl,sReconnect call IPutS call IGetKey cp kClear jp z,Exit jr InitializefileHandle: .block 27_success: u_call(uUFI_Initialize) jp c,USBError u_call(uFAT_Initialize) jp c,USBError b_call(_RunIndicOff) ld hl,sName ld de,fileHandle u_call(uDOS_openFile) jp c,NoFileNextFrame: ld hl,fileHandle ld de,plotSScreen ld bc,768 u_call(uDOS_fileRead) jp c,FileReadError ld hl,768 sbc hl,bc ld a,l cp 0 jp nz,FileReadError ld a,h cp 0 jp nz,FileReadError b_call(_GrBufCpy) b_call(_GetCSC) cp skClear jp z,Exit ld de,(FramesLeft) dec de ld (FramesLeft),de ld a,e cp 0 jr nz,NextFrame ld a,d cp 0 jp nz,NextFrame jp ExitUSBDriverCall: .block 32FramesLeft: ;not static.dw numFramessName:.db fileNameExit: u_call(uHostKill) u_call(uDriverKill) b_call(_GrBufClr) b_call(_ClrScrnFull) b_call(_HomeUp)CallBack: retUSBDriverBuf: .block 128U_CALL_INIT: ld hl,uuAppName.db rMOV9TOOP1 b_call(_FindApp) jr c,uuDone ld de,USBDriverCall ld hl,uuDriverCode ld bc,uuDriverSize-uuDriverCode ldir ld (USBDriverCall+uuMod1-uuDriverCode+1),a in a,(6) ld (USBDriverCall+uuMod3-uuDriverCode+1),a or a jr uuDoneuuAppName:.db $14,"USBDRV8X",0uuDriverCode: push af in a,(6) ld (USBDriverCall+uuMod2-uuDriverCode+1),a call USBDriverCall+uuCall1-uuDriverCode pop af call USBDriverEntryPoint push afuuMod2: ld a,0 out (6),a pop af retuuCallBack:uuMod3: ld a,0 out (6),a call CallBackuuCall1:uuMod1: ld a,0 out (6),a retuuDriverSize:uuDone: ret
I attempted to hack in FAT32 support long ago but failed. It would require a from-scratch rewrite of all the code, which probably needs to happen anyway.Quote from: SirCmpwn on June 26, 2010, 07:35:58 pmYep, so we can mess around with Blue8x, like I've asked for several times I don't remember you asking for that, but yeah, that's the main priority for getting an update out.
Why doesn't your code have $BB, $6D at the start? Nothing else jumps out at me at first glance.
so, i took your advice, and watched the file handle. I HIGHLY doubt that it's coincidence that the garbage data comes in on the very frame at which the seek pointer carries to the second byte. Also, the 'type' of garbage changes at every carry.
you could change the seek pointer yourself
msd8x is just an interface to the MSD driver in usb8x. The MSD driver is only in usb8x. There was a time when the driver was in msd8x itself, but it has since been shifted and integrated into usb8x itself.So msd8x is just the interface (and it uses the extra RAM pages, which is why it doesn't work on newer 84+/SEs -- the MSD driver itself still works on those models).