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To use Getkey, for example, Repeat getkey(15)End would cause a loop until you press key #15, which happens to be CLEAR. Getkey=15 also works, but it is not as responsive, although it is more like the TI-OS getkey, so it's easier to navigate menus.
Probably there are too much Ends in the code.The number of Ifs/Repeats and the number of Ends should be the same.
@ScoutdavidDid you tried to press PRGM while Axe output the error?
that will make you go to the error that is specified
:ClrHome:ClrDraw:Text(0,0,"TITLE:Text(10,0,"1:Play:Text(20,0,"2:About:Text(30,0,"3:Help:Text(40,0,"4:Quit:getKey->Z:If Z = 26:Disp "BY DAVIDEnd:If Z=18:Disp "Help":End:If Z=35:Disp "Quit Program Code:End:If Z=34// CODE FOR THE GAME:End
it scrolls to the errorEdit: make sure you have... in your code.. in that order.....DispgraphCleardraw........
You should put the key test in a loop, as it was said here already two times.
as it was said here already two times.