Author Topic: [SPRITE TOOL] Plugin that converts colored images into hexadecimal  (Read 2944 times)

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Offline Omar Chehab

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I wrote a plugin that generates hexadecimal strings from a colored image.

The plugin is made so easy to use for speeding up sprite management in order to get to coding ! :D

1. So to use it first you will have to install the free software (if you dont have it already)

2. Next you will need to download my plugin (its called in effect in but i used it differently).

3. Put this file in the folder Paint.NET/Effects/

4. Startup Paint.NET, open up an image, select it with CTRL+A, click on EFFECTS, click PNGtoHEX which should be at the bottom.

You will get a popup like this

Select it and click CTRL+C to copy it

After copying it there will be some extra dashes in the beginning and the end of your clipboard just delete those, i am not sure how to remove them since they come with the default messagebox stuff...

Anyways! thats all i hope you find this useful, if you have any feature suggestions i will for sure implement.