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Offline Siphonic_Sugar

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3D Engine Written in Axe
« on: April 25, 2015, 03:53:50 pm »
Okay, so I am trying to create a 3D adventure/shooting game for the TI-84 Plus written in Axe, and I am wondering if there are any 3D engines written in Axe that I can use... Because right now, I can not find anything!  :banghead:
I'm on now too, you should check it out.
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Re: 3D Engine Written in Axe
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2015, 03:58:14 pm »
I haven't used it (yet) so I cannot tell you personally about the methods of coding it.
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Re: 3D Engine Written in Axe
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2015, 04:29:07 pm »
GLib, as odelore has already pointed too is a good one.
There's also JH3D, but I haven't used this one personally, so I don't know what's possible with it.

But, before you start, you should know that 3D on a calculator is still pretty much experimental. You'll only be able to draw simple shapes with a few lines with most engines, and some basic features like Z-buffering are often missing due to hardware limitations. And while rendering environements in 3D is possible, it's deffinately not as straightforward as simply making a level and calling a function to render it. You constantly have to find workarounds for almost everything, but off course, that's part of the fun ;).

I'm not trying to scare you, and I'd love to see more finished 3D games for the z80 calcs, but a 3D calculator project nothing that you should start unprepared. If you're still interested, then my advice would be to first do some test with a computer 3D engine (if you have no experience with them) to get familiar with the 3D math.

If, after all this, you're still interested in taking on this project, then I wish you good luck and lots of fun :)

And if you run into troubles, don't hesitate to ask. There are multiple people here that have also given calculator 3D a try.
My projects
 - The Lost Survivors (Unreal Engine) ACTIVE [GameCommandoSquad main project]
 - Oxo, with single-calc multiplayer and AI (axe) RELEASED (screenshot) (topic)
 - An android version of oxo (java)  ACTIVE
 - A 3D collision detection library (axe) RELEASED! (topic)(screenshot)(more recent screenshot)(screenshot of it being used in a tilemapper)
Spoiler For inactive:
- A first person shooter with a polygon-based 3d engine. (z80, will probably be recoded in axe using GLib) ON HOLD (screenshot)
 - A java MORPG. (pc) DEEP COMA(read more)(screenshot)
 - a minecraft game in axe DEAD (source code available)
 - a 3D racing game (axe) ON HOLD (outdated screenshot of asm version)

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Re: 3D Engine Written in Axe
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2015, 04:18:22 am »
As @ben_g pointed out, 3d is indeed pretty much difficult to get running at a good speed (~10fps, wich is approximately the playable limit on the calculator).
JH3D is less complex as GLib, and also slower, so I don't recommend using it, but of course I guess there is also a personnal bias  :P
Also, for the moment I rather point you to this :, wich the pure axe version of my library, with the corresponding tutos :
The axiom version is definitly faster, but there is some big bottleneck that I wish to remove, and that may be done with some command/syntax change, and an adequate tuto for the axiom version will need to be done. (And I don't really currently have time to code/write tutos - I'll get more time in about one month or two)

So yeah, if you have one problem, ask!

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Offline Siphonic_Sugar

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Re: 3D Engine Written in Axe
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2015, 10:10:48 pm »
Thanks everyone for replying so fast!
I'm on now too, you should check it out.
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