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.TERMINALFix 5Fix 30->A->B[1F5F1F5F5FFFFFFF1FDF1F5F1FFFFFFF1F5F5F5F1FFFFFFF]->Pic0"WRMH ?thetaVQLG :ZUPKFC YTOJEB XSNIDA"->GDB0"wrmh !thetavqlg :zupkfc ytojeb xsnida"->GDB00"][ pi '369) .258( 0147, "->GDB000""->Str0ref(0,0,96,64Lbl MainRepeat getKey(15) getKey->K If K=1 B->A For(theta,0,A) {Str0+theta}->{L1+theta} End End If K=9 and (A!=0) A->B For(theta,0,A) {L1+theta}->{Str0+theta} End COUT(L1,1) COUT("Unknow command",1) 0->A End Pt-Off(92,1,Pic0+(M* If K=48 M=1?0->M,1->M While K=48 getKey->K End End If K=54 M=2?0->M,2->M While K=54 getKey->K End End If K=56 and (A!=0) ref(1,57,96,7 DispGraph A-- End If K=15 ref(1,56,94,7 DispGraph 0->A While K=15 getKey->K End End If A<22 If K>10 and (K<48) If M=0 If {K+GDB0-11}->C C->{A+L1} A++ End ElseIf M=1 If {K+GDB00-11}->C C->{A+L1} A++ End ElseIf M=2 If {K+GDB000-11}->C C->{A+L1} A++ End End End End 0->{A+L1} Text(1,57,L1 DispGraphEndFix 4Fix 2ReturnLbl COUT If {r2}=1 ref(1,57,96,7 Text(1,57,{r1} ElseIf {r2}=2 ref(1,57,96,7 Text(1,57,{r1}>Frac ElseIf {r2}=3 ref(1,57,96,7 Text(1,57,{r1}>Dec End For(theta,0,5) Vertical - ref(0,63,96,1) Pause 5 DispGraph EndReturn
.TERMINALFix 5Fix 30->A->B[1F5F1F5F5FFFFFFF1FDF1F5F1FFFFFFF1F5F5F5F1FFFFFFF]->Pic0"WRMH ?thetaVQLG :ZUPKFC YTOJEB XSNIDA"->GDB0"wrmh !thetavqlg :zupkfc ytojeb xsnida"->GDB00"][ pi '369) .258( 0147, "->GDB000""->Str0ref(0,0,96,64Lbl MainRepeat getKey(15) getKey->K If K=1 B->A For(theta,0,A) {Str0+theta}->{L1+theta} End End If K=9 and (A!=0) A->B For(theta,0,A) {L1+theta}->{Str0+theta} End COUT(L1,1) COUT("Unknow command",1) 0->A End Pt-Off(92,1,Pic0+(M*8) If K=48 M=1?0->M,1->M While K=48 getKey->K End End If K=54 M=2?0->M,2->M While K=54 getKey->K End End If K=56 and (A!=0) ref(1,57,96,7 DispGraph A-- End If K=15 ref(1,56,94,7 DispGraph 0->A While K=15 getKey->K End End If A<22 If K>10 and (K<48) If M=0 If {K+GDB0-11}->C C->{A+L1} A++ End ElseIf M=1 If {K+GDB00-11}->C C->{A+L1} A++ End ElseIf M=2 If {K+GDB000-11}->C C->{A+L1} A++ End End End End 0->{A+L1} Text(1,57,L1 DispGraphEndFix 4Fix 2ReturnLbl COUTIf {r2}=1 ref(1,57,96,7 Text(1,57,{r1}ElseIf {r2}=2 ref(1,57,96,7 Text(1,57,{r1}>FracElseIf {r2}=3 ref(1,57,96,7 Text(1,57,{r1}>DecEndFor(theta,0,5) Vertical - ref(0,63,96,1) Pause 5 DispGraphEndReturn
And a helpful reminder: in all of these cases, make sure the string always ends in a zero byte before you try to perform any operations like display or length(), or the results could be quite unexpected!
Quote from: Runer112 on June 09, 2014, 01:19:13 pmAnd a helpful reminder: in all of these cases, make sure the string always ends in a zero byte before you try to perform any operations like display or length(), or the results could be quite unexpected!But buffer overflows are fun!That aside, have you ever thought about writing some advanced documentation on how Axe works at a lower level? I'm sure many people would find the deeper knowledge they could glean from that quite useful.
Quote from: Eeems on June 09, 2014, 02:17:44 pmQuote from: Runer112 on June 09, 2014, 01:19:13 pmAnd a helpful reminder: in all of these cases, make sure the string always ends in a zero byte before you try to perform any operations like display or length(), or the results could be quite unexpected!But buffer overflows are fun!That aside, have you ever thought about writing some advanced documentation on how Axe works at a lower level? I'm sure many people would find the deeper knowledge they could glean from that quite useful.That sounds like it would take a lot of time and effort, which is probably why I haven't ever thought about doing it. But I tend to leave these mega-posts in lots of question topics, going way more in depth than was asked. Maybe all of my mega-posts could be compiled into some semblance of what you describe.
Quote from: Runer112 on June 09, 2014, 02:42:30 pmQuote from: Eeems on June 09, 2014, 02:17:44 pmQuote from: Runer112 on June 09, 2014, 01:19:13 pmAnd a helpful reminder: in all of these cases, make sure the string always ends in a zero byte before you try to perform any operations like display or length(), or the results could be quite unexpected!But buffer overflows are fun!That aside, have you ever thought about writing some advanced documentation on how Axe works at a lower level? I'm sure many people would find the deeper knowledge they could glean from that quite useful.That sounds like it would take a lot of time and effort, which is probably why I haven't ever thought about doing it. But I tend to leave these mega-posts in lots of question topics, going way more in depth than was asked. Maybe all of my mega-posts could be compiled into some semblance of what you describe.Somebody should do that