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Yes, I believe that should work, that's a cool application for pixel buffering Keep in mind that numbers are stored little endian though and so the "pixel coordinates" for X in 0-7 are actually the low byte and 8-15 is the high byte.
Use eulers 'e' to access individual bits. You can also use bit masking combined with shifting left/right (* or / by 2) to read/write bits.
:[appvData]->Z:If <new highscore>:A->Z:End
:.SAV:[appvSwords2]->Z:Repeat getKey(15):ClrHome:Disp {Z}:{Z}-(getKey(1))+(getKey(4))->{Z}:Pause 200:End
Also relating to absorbing appvars, this is kind of an obscure feature, but it would be nice to be able to absorb only certain sections of appvars. Like say [appvAAPPVAR]<<10<<100 to absorb bytes 10 through 100 of appvAAPPVAR
Pic automatically do that, you just have to change the size of the pic.