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.C512→Y12288→X0→A→BRepeat getKey(15) ClrDraw Rect(0,0,96,64) RectI(3,3,90,58) Line(0,30,40,30) Rect(X/256,Y/256,8,8) If getKey(2) A-16→A End If getKey(3) A+16→A End X+A→X Y+B→Y If (pxl-Test(X/256+8,Y/256)) 0→A End If (pxl-Test(X/256-1,Y/256)) 0→A End If (pxl-Test(X/256,Y/256+8)) 0→B End !If (pxl-Test(X/256,Y/256+8)) B+4→B End If getKey(4) B-16→B End DispGraphEnd
.C512→Y12288→X0→A→BRepeat getKey(15) ClrDraw Rect(0,0,96,64) RectI(3,3,90,58) Line(0,30,40,30) Rect(X/256,Y/256,8,8) If getKey(2) A-16→A End If getKey(3) A+16→A End X+A→X Y+B→Y If (pxl-Test(X/256+8,Y/256)) or (pxl-Test(X/256-1,Y/256)) 0→A End If (pxl-Test(X/256,Y/256+8)) 0→B End !If (pxl-Test(X/256,Y/256+8)) B+4→B End If getKey(4) B-16→B End DispGraphEnd
I have a huge problem in Axe, I can't avoid that my sprites go through walls or even the floor when they are in fast speeds. Is there any way to avoid this?
Main LoopFor({<insert pointer here>},0,1)...EndDispGraphEnd
Another thing to do is only redraw the screen every other frame.
!If A+1^2->ADispGraphEnd
Actually, the slowest Axe command (that won't freeze the calculator altogether) is Pause 0, which would take about 220 million cycles. That's a bit over half a minute at 6MHz.
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.