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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #540 on: July 24, 2011, 08:17:02 am »
Darl gave me before a routine to display a text on the screen but that wasn't really what I was looking for so using Axeguess example, I've been trying to get input from user as follow:
1. "Input Number" is displayed on the screen
2. Number is input until user presses Enter
3. Number input is displayed on the screen

This is what I've come up with so far, I use 3→{length(A)+A} to add a byte at the end of an existing number in the memory like using lists in BASIC. 3→LX(1+dim(LX, if it works

Code: [Select]
"Input Number"→Str0
Disp Str0

Disp A,i
If getKey(15)

Lbl I
Repeat getKey(9)
If K=36:7→{length(A)+A}
If K=35:4→{length(A)+A}
If K=34:1→{length(A)+A}
If K=28:8→{length(A)+A}
If K=27:5→{length(A)+A}
If K=26:2→{length(A)+A}
If K=20:9→{length(A)+A}
If K=19:6→{length(A)+A}
If K=18:3→{length(A)+A}
Goto I

I got an ERR: MISSING END during the compiling. Any help?

Edit: AXEGUESS in Axe 1.0.1 is exactly the same as the code in Axe 0.5.3 so I don't think it's outdated.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 08:19:36 am by selectcoaxial »

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #541 on: July 24, 2011, 08:20:27 am »
Unfortunately, you can't do If statements without an end like in Basic. You must put an End after each one.

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #542 on: July 24, 2011, 08:33:15 am »
if I have an infinite loop in my application, is there a quit button like ON in Basic? and not having to take out the batteries?

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #543 on: July 24, 2011, 08:39:16 am »
if I have an infinite loop in my application, is there a quit button like ON in Basic? and not having to take out the batteries?
No, there is no quit button (unless you program one yourself).

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #544 on: July 24, 2011, 08:40:53 am »
No, but doing Repeat Getkey(15) will loop until you press clear. I hope all these answers are helping you :)

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #545 on: July 24, 2011, 11:53:47 am »
Don't trust me 100% I have been known to make mistakes.

can you explain "{length(A)+A}" to me plz?  I am quite confused.
can't you just replace all instances of "{length(A)+A}"  to just be "A"
If you use {} you are pointing to a memory location. so basically you are just storing K to memory location 0.
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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #546 on: July 24, 2011, 02:43:51 pm »
Squidgetx made that routine, so idk really :P
But iirc what length() does is it goes through data until it reaches a zero, then returns that number.  If this is looped and used properly one could skip a definable number of [00]s, which the programmer could put in to separate strings and such.

Something to remember: Axe and basic are completely different.  The only thing they share are the editor and the tokens.  So a good part of the stuff that works in basic won't work in Axe, and vice-versa.

So waht you're trying to do with this is just have one number be put in, or a string of numbers?  Because the code above will only store one number to the variable. (actually I don't see the point of using length() in this, what are you trying to do with it?)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 02:44:10 pm by Darl181 »
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Offline selectcoaxial

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #547 on: July 24, 2011, 09:48:41 pm »
I'm just trying to input a 3 byte number. And you're right. It turns out using length is unnecessary. :)
N is a 3 byte number, and I have to to limit user input to those 3 bytes. A increases at every getKey interval

Code: [Select]
"Input number:"→Str0
Disp Str0,i
If K=15
If K=9
Disp N>Dec,i

Lbl I
If K=36:7→{N+A}End
If K=36:7→{N+A}End
If K=35:4→{N+A}End
If K=34:1→{N+A}End
If K=28:8→{N+A}End
If K=27:5→{N+A}End
If K=26:2→{N+A}End
If K=20:9→{N+A}End
If K=19:6→{N+A}End
If K=18:3→{N+A}End
ReturnIf K=15
ReturnIf length(N)=3
ReturnIf K=9
Disp N>Dec,i
Goto I

The code above doesn't work and it just display 40802 continuously for some reasons.

What is the difference between using Repeat getKey(15):End vs Lbl:Goto? Don't they do the same thing? Is there any benefits in using one and not the other? Also, is there any benefits if I learn TI-ASM then Axe language?

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #548 on: July 24, 2011, 10:33:56 pm »
Goto A would jump to Lbl A.  Repeat getKey(15):End waits until the user presses clear.

As for the code, A is always increased, not just when a key is pressed.  What might work is checking if the byte is non-zero, after the byte is stored.
Also I would change lines like this If K=36:7→{N+A}End to If K=36:7→{N+A}:End.  There's more optimized ways to handle it, but the way you have it works enough.
Btw numbers in axe/asm can only be up to two bytes.  trying to make a three-byte number won't work.

Axe is a lot less complicated than asm, but has some of the same concepts (pointers, data, etc)
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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #549 on: July 25, 2011, 07:59:02 am »
Another quick question. Is there a way to get the current level of contrast in Axe ? We can set it with Shade(X) but how to get it ?
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #550 on: July 25, 2011, 08:01:02 am »

To restore the OS's original contrast before you quit, use Shade(Shade()).  I've specifically optimized this nesting.
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Offline Hayleia

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #551 on: July 25, 2011, 08:02:17 am »
Ok, thanks !
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #552 on: July 25, 2011, 09:16:00 am »
Goto A would jump to Lbl A.  Repeat getKey(15):End waits until the user presses clear.

As for the code, A is always increased, not just when a key is pressed.  What might work is checking if the byte is non-zero, after the byte is stored.
Also I would change lines like this If K=36:7?{N+A}End to If K=36:7?{N+A}:End.  There's more optimized ways to handle it, but the way you have it works enough.
Btw numbers in axe/asm can only be up to two bytes.  trying to make a three-byte number won't work.

Axe is a lot less complicated than asm, but has some of the same concepts (pointers, data, etc)
Actually, Runer wrote a library that lets you add, subtract and display 3 byte numbers.

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Offline selectcoaxial

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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #553 on: July 27, 2011, 07:49:57 am »
I'm a bit confused about the number system. If a 1-byte number can have a range from 0 to 255, then why is it when I type 55 into notepad then look at it in a hex editor (HxD), I got 35 35? Isn't it supposed to be hold in one byte and not two bytes?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 07:53:39 am by selectcoaxial »


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Re: Axe Q&A
« Reply #554 on: July 27, 2011, 08:22:50 am »
"55" is a string when looked at in a text format.  Once it is compiled, it will correspond to the actual 55, but each character is one byte in text format.  The ASCII equivalent of 5 on TI-8x calcs is 35.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 08:23:37 am by Ashbad »