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I'm pretty sure it's like that, just have the second line of hex under/part of the first one....Ok, I was optimizing last night and wrote down a bunch of Q's as I went.Do the ?/?? conditionals save space in the executable in relation to conventional If loops? How about speed?Can they be nested? like B?(A++5?-1→A),→A works, nvm thatWhich is faster: If (commonly true) / If (sparsely true) ?So it's optimized to put the constants at the end...what if it's like L2+2? Would a different order influence anything?
How do I put parts of a code as an appvar?
:.AAHOOK:DiagnosticOff:[1028103854382828]➔Pic1:[102A123C50B82828]:[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]➔Pic2:1➔R−1➔H➔Q➔B➔P:256➔X:12288➔Y:Fix 5:Repeat getKey(15):ClrDraw:If X∕256<<1:256➔X:End:If X∕256>88:22528➔X:End:If (H=0) or (H=1):If getKey(3):X+256➔X:1➔R:End:If getKey(2):X−256➔X:0➔R:End:End:If H>40:If getKey(2):0➔R:End:If getKey(3):1➔R:End:End:For(A,0,11):Pt-On(A∗8,1,Pic2:Pt-On(A∗8,56,Pic2):End
:If (getKey(54))∗((H=0)+(H>40))∗(B=0) ;works:If Y∕256=48 ;works:1➔H:Else:2➔H:End:End:If H=1 ;works:Y−256➔Y:If Y∕256=26:2➔H:End:End:If H=2 :X∕256➔S:Y∕256➔T:R➔θ:Repeat pxl-Test(S,T) ;all this works:T++:If θ:S++:Else:S−−:End:End:If H>1:If H≤40:1➔P ;works:Line(X∕256+7,Y∕256,S,T) ;this flashes on, but just once, so doesn't work much:Else:0➔P:End:If H<15 :Y+256➔Y ;doesnt work:If θ:X+256➔X ;but this does (1 time):Else:X−256➔X:End:H++ ;i think this only works once.:If Y∕256=48 :0➔H➔P➔S➔T:10➔B:End:End
:If H≥15 and (H≤25):If H<21:Y+(256−((H−15)∗25))➔Y:Else:Y−((H−15)∗25)➔Y:End:H++:End:If H≥25 and (H≤40):If θ:X+256➔X:Else:X−256➔X:End:Y−256➔Y:If Y∕256<9:56➔H:0➔P:End:H++:End:!If H≤40:If H≤50:H++:If θ:X+(384−(H−40)∗10)➔X:Else:X−(384+(H−40)∗10)➔X:End:If Y∕256<9:56➔H:0➔P:End:Y−−:ElseIf (H≥50)∗(H≤60):H++:If H<56:Y+(256−((H−50)∗25))➔Y:Else:Y−((H−50)∗25)➔Y:End:End:If θ:X+256➔X:Else:X−256➔X:End:End:If H>55:If Y∕256<48:Y+256➔Y:If θ:X+256➔X:Else:X−256➔X:End:Else:0➔H➔S➔T:End:End:End:End
Then just:Pt-On(X∕256,Y∕256,P∗8+Pic1):If B:B−−:End:DispGraph:End
lbl mtext(doesnt matter)dispgraphrr