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I would like to be able to AND, OR, and XOR pictures to the LCD without having to use custom routines like I do now.However, I don't think that directly reading/writing to/from the LCD would be a very good idea in Axe.
Right. However, DispGraph will overwrite it. If you use Exp→DispGraph, you cannot modify what shows up onscreen unless you change the value at Exp.DispGraph itself is essentially L6→DispGraph
[offtopic]It's so cool to have everyone refer to me as "Sir" even when they are pissed at me (not that ztrumpet is pissed at me) [/offtopic]
This is why BASIC programs using pixel and point commands are so slow. For example, I made a BASIC program to make the screen all-black and an Axe program to do the same (both doing it pixel-by-pixel). The BASIC program was, of course, slow, while the Axe program was nearly instantaneous. Changing the Axe program to update the LCD after every Pxl-On( made it as slow as the BASIC program. (Well, the Axe program was running at 6MHz, idk how much of a difference 15Mhz mode would make)