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*Entire* code of what? I do have a location variable. X and Y. I switched the tilemapper to I and J.
like 00 -> 01 and 01 -> 02 and 02 -> 00. But the thing is, each tile will have a different way they change the surrounding tiles.
://Data for Level1->GDB1://Level2->GDB2:...:when you switch levels::Copy(GDB1,GDB0,'size'
Assuming you've already stored your data,:'new tile #'->{'byte #'+GDB0}
For(Y,0,3 For(X,0,4 Pt-On(X*8,Y*8,{Y*5+X+GDB0}*8+Pic0T EndEndDispGraph
:0->L \\for level number:[code]:.Next Level:Sub(NXT):[code]:Lbl NXT:L+S->L:Copy(GDB1+L,GDB0,S) \\make sure your leves are stored in order if you do it this way!!:Return