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.test1->X1->YFix 5[01]->GDB1[01]->GDB21->{GDB1}1->{GDB2}5->{GDB1+1}1->{GDB2+1}Repeat getKey(15)If getKey(1)Y+1->YEndIf getKey(2)X-1->XEndIf getKey(3)X+1->XEndIf getKey(4)Y-1->YEndX->{GDB1}Y->{GDB2}Y->{GDB1+1}X->{GDB2+1}ClrDraw{GDB1}->A{GDB2}->BPt-On(A/2,B/2,[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]){GDB1+1}->A{GDB2+1}->BPt-On(A/2,B/2,[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF])DispGraphEnd
.TEST1→X→YFix 5L₄→°X1+1→°Y1+1→°X2+1→°Y2.Initialization of vars above not necessary, will be set in first loop iterationClrDrawWhile 1If getKey(1)Y+1→YEndIf getKey(2)X-1→XEndIf getKey(3)X+1→XEndIf getKey(4)Y-1→YEndX→X1ʳ→Y2ʳY→Y1ʳ→X2ʳPt-On(X1ʳ/2,Y1ʳ/2,[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF])Pt-On(X2ʳ/2,Y2ʳ/2,[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF])DispGraphClrDraw .for speeds!EndIf getKey(15)
Also, it makes me cringe a bit inside when people refer to arbitrary data in Axe as "GDB's". The GDBX tokens are just a particular set of many equally allowable symbols in named pointers to any kind of data! You can call a pointer to any type of data whatever you want, whether it be GDB1, Str1XY, Pic789, °Stuff12345, or whatever.
Is there anyway to change the size of the array after you make it like.Code: [Select][01020405]->GDB1[02030302][04050302]Is there any way to change the size of this after I make it?