Author Topic: Help to use a .8xp  (Read 3574 times)

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Offline Magicflottant

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Help to use a .8xp
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:50:07 pm »
(sorry for my english I'm french).
I'm new user of Ti  and Axe. I have download Nyan cat (, and I have put the file NYAN.8xp in my Ti84+. But when I do "Asm(prgmNYAN) I have "ERR: archived. And in axe, in the tab "compile", there isn't nyan. I have the same problem with Tag. How I do ?
Thank you.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 01:03:48 pm by Magicflottant »

Offline Michael_Lee

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Re: Help to use a .8xp
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2011, 01:05:39 pm »
I think you need to unarchive the program.

Try this:

Press [2ND]  then [MEM] (over the [ + ] button) to get to the memory screen.
Select option 2 (Mem Mgmt/Del...)
Pick option 7 (Pgrms)
Scroll down until you select NYAN
There's most likely an asterisk (*) to the left of the program name -- press enter.
The asterisk should be gone --go back to the homescreen, and try doing 'Asm(pgrmNYAN)' again.
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Re: Help to use a .8xp
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2011, 01:10:26 pm »
I have "ERR:INVALID" when I do Asm(pgrmNYAN)' again....
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 01:10:44 pm by Magicflottant »

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Re: Help to use a .8xp
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2011, 01:35:50 pm »
then it isn't pure asm(or rather, it is, but it uses functions that require an external application). you'll need a shell in order to run it. the two most popular are Doors CS and Mirage OS, but there are a few others you can choose from. check here to choose one.
*note, shells can run programs from archive. also, if you want maximum compatability, choose Doors, it can run programs written for any other shell as well as programs written for Doors specifically. Mirage can also handle the vast majority, however, if you like it better
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 01:36:40 pm by shmibs »

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Re: Help to use a .8xp
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2011, 03:08:44 am »
Spoiler For En Français:
Pas vraiment a propos, mais tu peux te présenter ici.
Ensuite, je vais te donner une petite explication car il est vrai qu'en France, on a pas beaucoup d'infos, dû au manque d' intérêt pour les calculatrices.
Tu as deux types de programmes: ceux en Basic et ceux en ASM.

Ceux en Basic peuvent être lancés directement via l'OS de la calcu si ils sont désarchivés, sans avoir besoin de shell.

Il y a plusieurs types de programmes ASM
-Les progs noshell peuvent être lancés sans shell en utilisant Asm(prgmNOM (si désarchivés).
-Ceux qui ont besoin d'une shell... ont besoin d'une shell.
---La shell Ion peut lancer les programmes Ion (je m'y connais pas trop a propos de cette shell)
---La shell MirageOS peut lancer les programmes Ion, les programmes MirageOS et certains programmes Basic.
---La shell DoorsCS peut tout lancer, dont les programs noshell, les Ion, les MirageOS, les Basic, et les DoorsCS (mais ces derniers sont rares).

Tous ces programmes ont l'extension 8xp. J'espère avoir été utile.
Spoiler For In English:
Not really ontopic, you could go introduce yourself here.
After, I'll give you a little explanation because in France, people are not really interested in calcs, so people that are interested don't find a lot of informations.
You have 2 types of programs: the basic ones and the ASM ones.

The basic ones can be runned directly from the TI-OS if unarchived without the need of a shell.

There are several types of ASM progs.
-The noshell ones that can be runned without a shell by using Asm(prgmNAME (if unarchived).
-The shell ones that need a shell.
---The shell Ion runs the Ion progs (I am not very informed about that shell).
---The shell MirageOS runs the Ion progs, the MirageOS progs, some basic progs.
---The shell DoorsCS runs everything including noshell progs, Ion progs, MirageOS progs, Basic progs, DoorsCS progs (but those are very rare).

All of those progs have the same 8xp extension. Hope that clears things a bit.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 10:26:18 am by Hayleia »
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Help to use a .8xp
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2011, 05:16:48 am »
Thank you very much all :)
I have introduced myself.