Author Topic: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?  (Read 6039 times)

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How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« on: September 19, 2011, 07:42:28 am »
It's kinda not nice too see too much appvar in my calc :P (Scroll lag)
Is there a way?
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Re: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2011, 09:59:18 am »
Your pictures take up 768 bytes, right? Why not store all your pics consecutively, so having a 768 byte appvar for one pic, a 1536 for two pics, etc. If you have, say, 35 pics to store, you'd need an appvar that's 26,880 bytes, and obviously it'd need to be in the user archive. If you have it loaded in Y1, you could load the first pic into a RAM location (say, GDB1) like so: Copy(Y1,GDB1,768) . You could then load, say the twenty-seventh picture like so: Copy(26*768+Y1,GDB1,768) . The pseudo code for this would be something like:
Copy(number_of_pic_to_load_counting_from_zero * 768 + Y1, RAM_location_to_load_to, 768)
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Re: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 12:33:03 pm »
Your pictures take up 768 bytes, right? Why not store all your pics consecutively, so having a 768 byte appvar for one pic, a 1536 for two pics, etc. If you have, say, 35 pics to store, you'd need an appvar that's 26,880 bytes, and obviously it'd need to be in the user archive. If you have it loaded in Y1, you could load the first pic into a RAM location (say, GDB1) like so: Copy(Y1,GDB1,768) . You could then load, say the twenty-seventh picture like so: Copy(26*768+Y1,GDB1,768) . The pseudo code for this would be something like:
Copy(number_of_pic_to_load_counting_from_zero * 768 + Y1, RAM_location_to_load_to, 768)
OK thnkx XD
It'll be helpful for making a second one.
EDIT: OK. So how do I store it?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 12:41:17 pm by yeongJIN_COOL »
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Re: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2011, 01:14:59 pm »
Your pictures take up 768 bytes, right? Why not store all your pics consecutively, so having a 768 byte appvar for one pic, a 1536 for two pics, etc. If you have, say, 35 pics to store, you'd need an appvar that's 26,880 bytes, and obviously it'd need to be in the user archive. If you have it loaded in Y1, you could load the first pic into a RAM location (say, GDB1) like so: Copy(Y1,GDB1,768) . You could then load, say the twenty-seventh picture like so: Copy(26*768+Y1,GDB1,768) . The pseudo code for this would be something like:
Copy(number_of_pic_to_load_counting_from_zero * 768 + Y1, RAM_location_to_load_to, 768)
OK thnkx XD
It'll be helpful for making a second one.
EDIT: OK. So how do I store it?

Just like you read it. You'll have to draw your pictures (on the buffer, aka L6) and copy them step by step in an appvar created for this (with the correct size) with 768 bytes steps. Like Copy(L6,APPVAR+1536,768).

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Re: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 11:09:39 pm »
keep in mind that when you create appvars, the appvars need to be in RAM. You can't write to the archive in Axe (well, not yet ;) )
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Re: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2011, 11:11:23 pm »
I suppose you could use the bcalls that archive and unarchive variables in hex. That shouldn't be too horrible.

Or you could write an axiom and use that with UnArchive/Archive for the tokens :P

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Re: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2011, 09:28:52 am »
OK so I tried and failed. Is something wrong here?
Code: (main) [Select]
:.θCUR // Main File
:Repeat getKey(54)
:If getKey(48) and (F=1)
:If getKey(35)
:If getKey(18)
:If getKey(26)
:If getKey(34)
:If getKey(32)
:If getKey(56)
:If getKey(2)
:If getKey(3)
:If getKey(4)
:If getKey(1)
:If A>95
:If A<1
:If B<1
:If B>63
:If getKey(55)

Code: (storing appvar) [Select]
:.A //Storing appvar

Code: (accessing appvar) [Select]
:..BB // Accessing appvar
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Re: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2011, 05:34:45 pm »
Suppose you have three appvars. Each of these is 768 bytes in size. One is called "AppVarOne" (yeah, I know it's too long of a name. whatever :) ). Another is "AppVarTwo" and the third is "AppVarThree". You want to combine them into a 2304 byte appvar that you're going to call "Really_Big_AppVar". I would use the following code: (keep in mind that this code has no user interface, it just does it's thing). Oh, and AppVarOne, AppVarTwo, and AppVarThree are all in the archive.

Code: [Select]
.MAKE Make big appvars out of little ones

.load the smaller appvars, the 768 byte ones
.make sure these are in the archive, or this won't work

.make a new, bigger appvar (make sure this appvar doesn't already exist. if it does, delete it.)
.let's store the pointer to Really_Big_Appvar in variable W
.and make Really_Big_Appvar 2304 bytes in size.

.Now start copying the small appvars into the big one.

.archive Really_Big_Archive (optional) and you're all done!
Archive "appvReally_Big_Archive"

Ta-da! Let me know if that doesn't make any sense. :)
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Re: How do I store multiple pics into single appvar?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2011, 08:28:16 pm »
Thank you although I already found out the problem :D
Oh I never knew that you could just "Archive" the appvars that way XP
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