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By the way, you should take into account that at least in normal speed (6Mhz), the Ti-83+ has more interrupts per second than a Ti-83+ silver edition does. It's roughly 110 interrupts per second for the Ti-83+ SE, and 120 interrupts per second for the Ti-83+. This was only tested on Wabbitemu, so please feel free to correct me.
So if I set interrupts at a frequency of 6, how many times would it run in a second? What unit does it mean by '6'?
OH is that how the Mirage speed settings work?
.TESTDiagnosticOff[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]->Pic1ClrDraw0->A->B->C->DfnInt(SEC,6)While 1If C>=118FnOff0->C1+D->DText(60,60,D>Dec)DispGraphFnOn(Code to move sprite around and exit)EndLbl SECC+1->CReturnLbl ENDLnRegDiagnosticOnReturn
Also, you are increasing health by 6 each time but checking that it's equal to the max health. If the current health is 999 and you add 6, that's 1005 which is not equal to 1000 and the health would continue to increase.
.TESTClrDraw0->A->B->CfnINT(TIM,6)While 1 If getKey(4) 1+C->C Text(0,0,C->DEC) End If getKey(15) Goto END End If A>=118 0->A 1+B->B Text(0,10,B->DEC) EndEndLbl TIM 1+A->AReturnLbl END FnOff LnReg ClrDraw
.TESTClrDraw0->A->B->CfnINT(TIM,6)While 1 getKey->D If D=4 1+C->C Text(0,0,C->DEC) End If D=15 Goto END End...etc.
HoMM: [==--------] Project 'resumed': I'm suffering overwhelming new ideas being popped up in my dreams :PtiDE: [----------] Explored and understood the main part of the code: just started writing a Tokenizer.
Ahh, that would be why. Well, thankfully, this isn't much of a problem.btw, can you have more then one custom interrupt running at a time?