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.your jump table.the main problem is to make PC $4000, but I'm not sure to understand how apps workGoto Func1Goto Func2Lbl Func1.code hereLbl Func2.same.etc.then call your routines(E4080)(args)
That honestly stopped me from writing like 5 different examples he could use.
:.AppTest:.This is at $408B:Goto Func1:.This one at $408E:Goto Func2...
:.APIUSER:getCurPage->P::setCurPage(getAppPage("AppTest"))::(E4094)(0,16,[FF818181818181FF]):(E4097)():(E408E)(42):(E4091)(0,8,"Over 9000!"):setCurPage(P:getKey^r
:.AppTest:Goto Start:Goto Func1:Goto Func2:Goto Func3:Goto Func4::Lbl Start:ClrHome:Text(0,,"This app is an Axe lib:Text(0,8,"You don't have to launch it.:Text(0,16,"Press any key to quit:getKey^r:Return::Lbl Func1:Disp >Dec:Return::Lbl Func2:Text(r1,r2,r3:Return::Lbl Func3:Pt-On(r1,r2,r3:Return::Lbl Func4:DispGraph