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.LIGHTOUTClrDraw rrDrawInv DrawInv r[00C0F0FCFEFEFFFF]→Pic1[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]→Pic2[0000000000000000]→Pic30→CRepeat CFor(X,0,5For(Y,0,5Pt-Off(9*X+1,9*Y+1,Pic3Pt-Off(9*X+1,9*Y+1,Pic1)rIf rand^2Pt-On(9*X+1,9*Y+1,Pic2C+1→CEndEndEndEndRepeat getKey(15)DispGraph rrEnd
And the fact that the keys are so sensitive (and repeat) don't help, either.
While 1 .More optimised than While getKey(0)Pause 5 .Necessary for it to work, else it would loop so fast that it wouldn't detect any key presses and thus be uselessEnd!If getKey(0) .See first line
getKey -> AIf A=B0 -> AElseA -> BEnd