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question lists1: How does it work? 2:How do I use it?3: Can I see the example(code) of it?
wouldn't it be possible to create the program, then use something to copy it over to an appvar and then, during runtime, create a new one full of 0's and copy it over? it seems a bit impractical, but i guess it prevents the user from accidentally running just the subroutine program...
What can you do? Really, your only option for something like this is just to make your minigames into separate axe programs and have your main program call them. Or, you could always just put all the minigames into the same file
If the program that is turning the appvar into a program is an application, this gets incredibly easier, and in fact might just be a BCALL or two away. I do not remember the specifics, but you should be able to run programs from an application no problem.
:(Z)(5,6,Pic1):LOr->Z:LXor->Z:LOff->Z:Lbl Or:Pt-On(r1,r2,r3):Return:Lbl LXor:Pt-Change(r1,r2,r3):Return:Lbl LOff:Pt-Off(r1,r2,r3):Return