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.LINEClrDraw50->A->B2->LRepeat getKey(15) If getKey getKey(3)-getKey(2)+A->A getKey(1)-getKey(4)+B->B getKey(10)-getKey(11)+L->L L=0+L->L sub(LIN,30,30,A,B,L) //r1 and r2 are the x and y coordinates of the starting point - it radiates out to (r3,r4). r5 is the interval between points and 1 is minimum. End DispGraphEndReturnLbl LIN If abs(r4-r2)>abs(r3-r1) Exch(°r1,°r2,2) Exch(°r3,°r2,2) End r1>r3->K abs(r3-r1)->S/2->V abs(r4-r2)->T r2->Y<r4*2-1->W For(Z,0,abs(r3-r1)/r5) Z*r5->X If K -X->X End If U Pxl-On(Y,X+r1) Else Pxl-On(X+r1,Y) End R5->I While I I-1->I If V-T->V>99 Y+W->Y V+S->V End End DispGraph //DispGraph and Pause are added to show how the line radiates outwards Pause 50 EndReturn
RecallPicDrawInv ʳFor(E,0,15DispGraphʳEndClrdrawDrawInvFor(E,0,10)DispGraphEnd
Speaking of fade in/out effects, here's a variant that doesn't mess with the contrast (the ones that do always look weird to me, I don't know why )Code: [Select]RecallPicClrDrawʳDrawInv ʳFor(E,0,15DispGraphʳEndClrdrawDrawInvFor(E,0,10)DispGraphEnd
RecallPicClrDrawʳDrawInv ʳFor(E,0,15DispGraphʳEndClrdrawDrawInvFor(E,0,10)DispGraphEnd
Lbl A[000000000000000→Pic99A→{Pic99}rIf {Pic99}r>91→{Pic99+2EndIf {Pic99}r>992→{Pic99+2EndIf {Pic99}r>9993→{Pic99+2EndIf {Pic99}r>99994→{Pic99+2EndFor(A,0,{Pic99+2Output(1+{Pic99+2}-A,{ᴱ844B},{Pic99}r^10+48►Frac{Pic99}r/10→{Pic99}rEnd