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.MENU.###########################. PRELIMINARY COMMANDS.###########################Fix 5ClrDraw.###########################. MAIN CODE.###########################MENU("TITLE"[00]"OPTION_1"[00]"OPTION_2"[00]"OPTION_3"[00]"OPTION_4"[00]"OPTION_5"[00][25])Z-Test(,Label1,Label2,Label3,Label4,Label5)Lbl Label1Text(0,,"THIS IS THE LABEL 1")DispGraphPause 3600ReturnLbl Label2Text(0,,"THIS IS THE LABEL 2")DispGraphPause 3600ReturnLbl Label3Text(0,,"THIS IS THE LABEL 3")DispGraphPause 3600ReturnLbl Label4Text(0,,"THIS IS THE LABEL 4")DispGraphPause 3600ReturnLbl Label5Text(0,,"THIS IS THE LABEL 5")DispGraphPause 3600Return.###########################. SUBROUTINES.###########################Lbl MENUText(0->r3->r2,,r1)While 1End!If {stdDev(r1,r2++)}-37RectI(0,,96,6)For(r2--) Text(0,r3++*6,r3>Dec) {|E86D7}-2->{|E86D7} Text ": " Text stdDev(r1,r3)End0->r1While 1 r1+getKey(1)-getKey(4)+r2^r2->r1 CursorForMENU() DispGraph Pause 200 CursorForMENU()EndIf getKey(9)Returnr1Lbl CursorForMENURectI(0,r1+1*6,6,)Return
in this case. For instance, using 5*3 font instead of the 7*5 would allow you to have more menu items available on the screen at a time
I agree with Shmibs. Making menus in any language should be fairly simple. Many of us even created custom menus in TI-BASIC simply because we didn't like the look of the built in ones or wanted it to look/act a specific way. You can always ask questions if you get stuck on something.