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I've been debating making a super-optimization guide for Axe. Should I?
The answer is carried from if statements, but that was an !If statement which activates when the expression following it equals zero, so zero carries to the next line.
Quote from: Builderboy on Today at 23:02:34I wonder if this can be modified to scroll in arbitrary distances... (up to 8 pixels of course)I'll try my best Tongue
I've deduced that scrolling more that 1 pixel per frame means that you would have to display more than 1 column of sprites per scroll, so it would be slower for sure, but i don't think the speed difference would be that large hopefully.
Hello there !I have a question concerning the former ztrumpet's smooth scrolling tilemapper :I tried to increase width by changing the right variable and adding bytes at the end of each line in GDB1 but it doesn't worked. Though to increare height I added some rows to GDB and it worked...does anyone can help me please ?ps: i'm not english nor american and I still learning that language then I apologize for my possible mistakes